
Mont-l’évêquesmall town near Senlis, undergoes a scourge which exasperates its inhabitants and its elected officials: the wild deposits of waste. This Saturday, January 25, a new episode was added to an already far too long list. Michelle Lozano,, mayor From the commune, exasperates: “In addition it was on a frequented path of the forest by walkers or cyclists, it targets our image.”
The fifth deposit in two years
Alerted by a hunter and the ONF forestry, the municipal elected officials discovered and cleared no less than four cubic meters of abandoned detritus in the middle of the forest. A distressing vision, but unfortunately familiar: it is the fifth time in just two years that the town has faced such incivility.
To avoid weighing the cost of these cleaning operations in the town and the community of communes, the elected officials, supported by volunteers, put their hands in the dough. An exemplary, but insufficient mobilization in the face of the extent of the problem. “We act quickly to prevent new deposits from appearing in the same place,” explains the mayor, tired by these repeated interventions.
This waste comes mainly from building activities, but their heterogeneous composition testifies to a real contempt for the environment: residential furniture, tires, gas bottles, pallets and even automotive parts were found on site Photos that have reached us.

“They throw all their junk.”
Beyond the forests, it is the municipal and national roads that also suffer the consequences of incivility. The RN330, a highly frequented axis which notably links Senlis to Ermenonville, is regularly strewn with trash. Again, volunteers are mobilizing. Among them, the association “Les Copinces du Valois” is illustrated by its commitment. “This administering collective collect waste on the banks of the national every week, they are very effective,” compliments the mayor.
The municipal rest area also serves as a deposit and overnight in the image of Mont-l’Evêque. The truckers “throw all their junk,” reports the mayor who continues: “It will quickly have to remove this waste before the truckers think it is a deposit.”
Identify managers of these wild deposits is often impossible. “Each time, I call the gendarmerie of Senlis,” says Michelle Lozano, they come to find clues but often leave without result. ” Faced with this observation, the municipality reflects on solutions. One of them would be the installation of hunting cameras near the sensitive areas to surprise offenders in the act.
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