
He doesn’t give up. Even if the prefect of Oise has decided to maintain the commune of Monchy-Saint-Eloi in the community of communes of the Vallée Dorée, Mayor Alain Boucher persists and signs. For him, the village must integrate the Creil-Sud-Oise Agglomeration (ACSO) neighbor. And he devoted part of his wishes, organized on Saturday January 11, to explaining why.
“This is the meaning of our history,” insists the elected official. For him, it is “the natural evolution of the practices and lifestyles of our inhabitants.” And to cite, in particular, “the attachments initiated by State services, particularly in educational matters and the recomposition of the cantons.”
Limited consequences for Liancourtois?
Alain Boucher continues to explain why integrating the Creilloise area would really be “so great”. “Joining ACSO allows us to benefit from a transport offer adapted to our needs,” insists the mayor of Monchy. But also to benefit from an environmental, cultural or housing policy, more adapted according to the chief magistrate to his municipality.
Above all, Alain Boucher draws out the argument of the financial consequences. “The cost would be lower for households,” he assures. “Even though the property tax would be higher, it would be offset by lower optional jurisdiction taxation and lower costs of products such as water.” Above all, it promises limited consequences for the Golden Valley.
“We want to leave the Golden Valley”
However, the prefect Jean-Marie Caillaud said no. “He does not deny the legitimacy of our request,” comments Alain Boucher. “Above all, he wishes to undertake a vast project to overhaul the intermunicipal cooperation map.” The mayor of Monchy-Saint-Eloi sees this as a desire “to re-examine the relevance of small communities of municipalities “with a view to their merger”.
Alain Boucher indicates that he did not request such a reform. “We want to leave the Vallée Dorée to join a new dynamic more in line with the demands of our citizens,” insists the elected official. And to remember that this is not a fad coming out of his hat alone. The municipal council has validated this vision on several occasions, including a decision taken at the end of 2024.
“We assume”
And to promise to continue to push his municipality towards the Creillois basin. “We will do it as we always have: with complete transparency,” he said.
And added: “We are not giving up. Because far from the political interests of some, we assume our conviction without vile thoughts and without bitterness. Transmitted to the political interests of some with vile thoughts, who will appreciate these particular wishes.
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