“If you haven’t seen Psykup or Smash Hit Combo at Hellfest, at the 666 festival, or in all the most beautiful French or international venues, go see them on social networks and you will understand…”
Bands that play at Hellfest will show up at Ziquodrome of Compiègne. The association D’arc Sound prod offers a metal concert Saturday November 23 at 6 p.m. There will be MACHOs (group from Compiègne), at 6:45 p.m. Then November at 7:35 p.m., Smash Hit Combo at 8:45 p.m., and Psykup at 10:15 p.m.
The D’arc Son Prod association is preparing a second concert on Saturday December 21, still at the Ziquodrome.
“These groups tour all over the world… They are adored in Japan, Canada, the United States, Australia…” indicates the D’Arc Son Prod volunteer. The organizing association was created on January 11, 2024. Made up of 2 leaders, 5 active volunteers and 10 volunteers (for events), it focuses on the development of emerging alternative culture in the city of Compiègne, the Oise and Hauts-de-France.
Alternative culture, inclusion…
“Our wish is to develop this culture in all areas of art, such as music, painting, sport, photography, etc.,” describe the volunteers. We also want to associate the development of alternative culture with our interest in ecology.”
D’arc Son Prod’s project is to offer a cultural offer, while projecting itself into a local socio-economic framework. “We allow various people to meet professionals (music professions, service and catering, radio, security), but also little-known music groups to gain access to more visibility.”
The association wishes to launch a movement of inclusion, in the medium term with the local mission. “We want everyone to be able to enjoy a musical event, accessible to all, both in terms of price and in terms of each person’s personal difficulties (physical disability or mental disability, etc.).”
…and ecology
The members of Darc Son Prod are “committed to respecting individuals and the environment”, with a representative of the BIOTOP association. They encourage the use of eco-responsible objects, such as eco-cups. But also a short food and drink circuit from producer to consumers. For these reasons, a local screen printer will directly print the festival-goers’ t-shirts, which avoids textile purchases.
Finally, Darc Son Prod wants to raise awareness about harassment and the dangers of drugs and alcohol).
For the ticket office for Saturday November 23, click on this link.
For the ticket office for Saturday December 21, cclick on this link.
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