
HAS Meru (Oise), 110 positions are threatened at Forvia. Of 571. The auto parts maker announced a economic social plan (PSE) on November 20 to union representatives, during a social and economic committee. At the Meruvian research center, 20% of the staff are expected to jump. “They don’t want to say the word, but it’s a relocationnot a PES», notes, bitterly, Claire Ménard, UNSA union representative.
According to our information, most of the positions eliminated in Méru should be found abroad. Some in Valencia, Spain, as the center of industrialization of products and processes, others in India, like the “costing service”, or others in Germany.
A loss of skills for unions
On the union side, there are many concerns. First, on operation. All of these positions work together. Scattering them across the world would be counterproductive according to them. Then, the loss of competence. “In product safety, for example, we are eliminating the positions of three very competent people in Méruworries Claire Ménard. Their skills would be lost. And this is the case in many other areas. There are skills here that are recognized everywhere. We are very worried.»
In the coming days, unions and employees must meet to establish the procedure to follow during the next negotiations with management. “We’ll see what we can do to limit the damage.indicates the union representative. We also think about those who will stay, and who will have a workload that is not easy to follow.»
Negotiations will begin on January 9. First on the number and titles of positions affected, then on the starting conditions. What is certain is that there will be departures.
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