
Anthony Druart, 24 years oldlives with his mother in Méru (Oise). He has never worked, he is entirely dependent on her and his father-in-law. It consumes up to ten joints of cannabis per daywhich has a certain cost that must be financed. He already has a colossal debt of almost 2,000 euros with penalties, which the local dealers offered him to pay off by selling on their behalf, but he refused. So he asked his mother for 10 euros to buy some cannabis. Despite the threat of a pair of scissorsthe woman did not give in and maintained her refusal. She called the police to tell her story. His son has been taking drugs for four years. She’s had enoughto come home with a lump in her stomach and he asks her for money regularly“.
While he was sentenced to five months in prison under probation in July 2023 for use of narcotics and violence and extortion against his mother, the young man was checked on December 7 while he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs while driving his car. He must be tried on preliminary admission of guilt next March. He admits that thanks to his monitoring he managed to reduce his consumption to two joints per day. To stop for good, he is considering accommodation with his family, two hours from Méru, far from his mother and his “friends”.
The prosecution requests 8 months in prison
For the first case, he is on trial in immediate appearance at the Beauvais court this Friday, January 10. The prosecutor takes into account the current probationary suspension and requests for these “serious facts on repeat ascendant» a sentence of eight months in prison with continued detention, as well as the partial revocation of the current suspended sentence in order to maintain the care obligations imposed on him. She also requests the cancellation of her driving license with a ban on retaking it before a period of six months and, for two years, a ban on her mother’s residence and a ban on contacting her.
The defendant’s lawyer, Maître Benoît Varin, is “pleasantly surprised by the personality of his client. He has sincere words to acknowledge his violent behavior towards his mother and there is a disconnect between him and what he did“.
The argument was successful. Anthony Druart receives eight months in prison, including six months under probationary suspension and his July 2023 suspension is only revoked for one month. He will spend three months in prison instead of the eight required by the representative of the prosecution. The six months of suspended probation are accompanied by an obligation to provide addictological and psychological care, a ban on contacting his mother and appearing at her home for two years, on possessing a weapon for five years and his driving license is canceled with a ban on iron it before six months.
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