The period of “great, intense and rapid changes” and of “great challenges for humanity” would require “concord” for “a common and convergent examination of the problems. This is not the climate in the international community”, for this reason it is still important to “highlight bilateral relations” between Italy and China. So does the Head of State Sergio Mattarella opening the meeting with the President of the Republic of China Xi Jiping in the People’s Hall.
“China is a fundamental protagonist in international life and is an important interlocutor for Italy”. The Head of State Sergio Mattarella said this, opening the meeting with the President of the Chinese Republic, Xi Jiping. “We have great regard and confidence in the great collaboration with China,” he noted. “I am delighted to meet you again”, began the President of the Republic, recalling themeeting seven years ago with the president of the Chinese republic and “I am grateful – he underlined, addressing Xi Jiping – for having visited my region, Sicily. I felt great pride when I saw two Italian figures, Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci, in the bas-relief depicting the history of China. I am here to reaffirm friendship and the desire for growing collaboration,” said Mattarella.

Sergio Mattarella and Xi Jinping, during a state visit to Beijing, 8 November 2024 (Handle)
China and Italy are “two great and ancient civilisations”, said the President of the Chinese Republic, Xi Jiping, opening the meeting with the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, in the Hall of the People. “There are changes in the world like never before”, he continued and “theItaly and China should work together promoting dialogue to resolve differences” with the aim of “overcoming conflicts” and arriving “at harmonious coexistence. Mattarella’s visit is an opportunity to infuse more dynamic energy into bilateral relations, for a new starting point”, concluded the Chinese president.

Sergio Mattarella and Xi Jinping, during a state visit to Beijing, 8 November 2024 (Handle)
“Full harmony and convergence”
“Yesterday with President Xi Jinping we faced many problems, on each of which we found full harmony and convergence of evaluation, which are proof of growth in friendship and desire for mutual collaboration, both bilaterally and in the relationship between China and the EU”. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella said this when meeting the President of the National People’s Assembly Zhao Leji in Beijing.
Li Qiang, from Meloni and Mattarella great attention to China
“President Mattarella is a statesman of great reputation in Italy and a long-standing friend of the Chinese people. He has always paid attention and support to the cause of friendship between China and Italy and has made important contributions to promoting the development of bilateral relations. Over the course of more than three months, Prime Minister Meloni and the President have respectively made two visits to China, demonstrating great attention and an active Italian desire to further investigate the reactions between China and Italy which are greatly appreciated by China”. Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang underlined this when he met the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Beijing.
“China is, for Italy, the first economic partner in Asia. The constructive spirit that animates us calls for a balanced relationship that allows, with removal of barriers that hinder access to the Chinese market for excellent Italian productsto meet the expectations of Chinese consumers, who are increasingly demanding and attentive to quality. It applies to the approach in the financial sector, open to new Chinese investments – in a logic of transparency, concreteness and mutual benefit – which stimulate employment and generate growth in value and skills”. This was said by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in a lectio magistralis at Beijing University.
“The capital of mutual trust accumulated in the bilateral relationship allows Italy to offer a substantial contribution to the weaving of a China-European Union bond increasingly robustsustainable and equally advantageous for the parties, in the context of an international order based on respected rules. Rules and regulations that must apply to everyone and be applied in good faith by all parties. We therefore work to ensure that the dialogue between Beijing and the European institutions, based on mutual respect, transparency and long-term collaboration, is constructive.”
“It is essential that all actors, without hesitation, wear the dress of cooperation. I would like to refer, in this regard, to what my predecessor said on the occasion of his state visit to China in 2010. Speaking in the Aula Magna of the Central School of the Chinese Communist Party, President Napolitano stated: “The weight of China, Asia and the rest of the world on international events is destined to consolidate and grow. As a good Italian, as a good European, I consider this evolution highly positive”. I share your thoughts. Without China, or without the European Union, it would be impossible to try to respond positively to the dreams of openness, peace and the future of our young people” .
“China is one of the fundamental protagonists of international life. I would like to express my expectation that it will use its great authority on the international stage to reiterate its traditional position in support of the norms of coexistence of the international community, working to put an end to the brutal Russian aggression against the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the first step towards a just peace on the basis of the principles of the United Nations Charter”.
“Another area that requires everyone’s commitment to stop the spiral of violence is the Middle East, tormented by the criminal terrorist attack by Hamas against defenseless Israeli citizens, by the unacceptable trail of violence against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, since the conflict spread to southern Lebanon. The war must be stopped immediatelyto also initiate solutions to the enormous humanitarian crisis that resulted. I trust that China will add its voice so that the various regional actors exercise restraint and a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine can finally be implemented.”
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