
The fears of employees, residents and their families were confirmed. The Regional Health Agency announces permanently close the Bléry nursing home in Marseille-en-Beauvaisis. A decision taken in agreement with the Oise departmental council. An economic choice even though residents, their loved ones and employees wanted to return to the establishment.
Monday, December 2, employees went on strike for three days to demand the reopening of the nursing home. They were supported by the families of residents who came to testify on the picket set up in front of the establishment. Everyone feared that the ARS “let the situation deteriorate» and then close permanently. This is indeed what happened.
A boiler breakdown which precipitates closure
A merger project between the Bléry nursing home and that of Grandvilliers had already been launched in 2023. But it was a boiler breakdown that occurred at the end of April 2024 which sealed the fate of the establishment. The nursing home had to be closed urgently and the residents moved to other nursing homes in the department. Mostly towards that of Grandvilliers. But the closure was then presented as temporary.
In the months that followed, the nursing home remained closed. In June, management still maintained that the repair of the boiler was more extensive than expected but that it was still relevant. And that the objective remained the reintegration of residents in Marseille-en-Beauvaisis. But time is still passing and the unions are worried. The situation is not tenable. “Here it was a family cocoon. In Grandvilliers it’s too bigexplains this lady, speaking of her mother. It hurts my heart, she no longer participates in anything. It’s too big, she gets lost.»
“Major financial difficulties”
In a press release, the ARS explains that the establishment of Marseille-en-Beauvaisis requires “massive investments» to match current standards. “However, the establishment has been experiencing major financial difficulties for several years. Aid was allocated by the Regional Health Agency to enable it to cope with cash flow tensions (€300,000 in 2023, maintaining 100% of the allocation dedicated to care while not all the rooms were occupied)», communicates the ARS.
The departmental council also put its hand in its pocket: “€41,000 of exceptional aid in 2024, maintenance of the overall package depending on the number of authorized places and payment of the Oise package maintained since the transfer of residents, i.e. more than €134,000», Still according to the ARS. But even with this aid the situation has not improved. Hence the announcement of the definitive closure.
“Monitoring will be ensured by the Regional Health Agency and the Departmental Council with all the stakeholders concerned, in particular the Marseille-en-Beauvaisis Town Hall. Residents currently hosted in neighboring EHPADs, notably Grandvilliers, will of course be able to continue their stay. Families will be informed very quickly. A unit dedicated to supporting employees will be set up in order to find a solution for each of them», concludes the ARS.
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