There are 4,562 of the amendments to the budget deposited in the Budget Committee of the Chamber, a quarter come from the majority.
The inadmissibility will be decided on Friday 15th November, then the analysis of the appeals is scheduled for Saturday 16th, while next Monday the screening will begin with the indication of those reported.
Among the majority parties Forza Italia presented 501 amendments, the League 428, FdI 190, We Moderates 142. The opposition forces instead prepared around 3,200 texts: the 5 Star Movement 1,218, the Pd 992, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra 354, Azione 130, Italia Viva 282, +Europa 45, linguistic minorities 201. Another 76 amendments were tabled by the Misto group. About ten unitary amendments from the opposition. At the center of the unitary modification proposals: healthcare, leave, the automotive sector, the minimum wage and reconstruction in Emilia-Romagna.
The total amendments presented in the Budget Committee are 4,562. Among these, 1261 are from the majority parties and 3301 from the opposition
The majority
Among the texts deposited by Forza Italia those that stand out are those asking for the elimination of the rule that introduces MEF auditors into companies and entities that receive at least 100 thousand euros in public funding. And then one for the reduction of the second Irpef rate from 35 to 33 percent and the extension of this range to incomes up to 60 thousand euros. There is also a text that asks for RAI, Mediaset, Sky and other operators in the sector as well as online newspapers to be excluded from the tax on digital services so as “not to burden the media sector, already under severe pressure, with a further additional tax”.
The national secretary of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani. Among the amendments of the Azzurri, those asking for the elimination of the rule that introduces MEF auditors into companies and entities that receive at least 100 thousand euros of public funding stand out (Handle)
Among the amendments of Alloy highlighting a “real scrapping proposal that can put many economic activities back in good standing”, he underlines Alberto Gusmeroli, first signatory of the text. It would not be “an amnesty” but “a tool to repay unpaid taxes in 120 equal monthly installments and allow the State to recover the enormous amount”.
The rule points to scrapping of bills issued from 2000 to 2023 in 120 installments. From the Carroccio also three texts asking to stop or reduce the increase in taxation on cryptocurrency profits. The text of the maneuver currently provides for an increase in the rate from 26 to 42% and has so far been one of the most debated points among political forces.
: the representatives of the mixed group of the Chamber of Deputies, including Benedetto della Vedova, Riccardo Magi are signatories of several amendments (lapresse)
The oppositions
“We have put to rest the numerous contributions that came from the hearings, where social partners, trade associations, experts and representatives of the public and private sector expressed strong criticism on the validity of a measure that does not invest and does not look to the future”, claims the PD.
“The majority submits over 1,200 amendments to its own budget law: thank goodness that Giorgia Meloni and Minister Giorgetti had magnified it. Instead, it is a clear act of no confidence in their own government”, point out sources in the M5s. Among the amendments of the Pd and M5s are the regularization of foreign workers already present in our country and the defunding of the CPR to allocate resources to the reception and integration system.
+Europesigned Riccardo Magi and Benedetto Della Vedovain the package of amendments to the budget law, calls for the introduction of sexual and emotional education courses in lower and upper secondary schools and the establishment of a fund for the installation of free condom dispensers.
From Action a package of proposals arrives to give “vision and adequacy of which, for us, the legal text proposed by the government is significantly lacking, especially in the face of the economic and social crises underway in the international context”.