“I live at number 10 rue de Gouvieux and I can’t even walk home. THE gendarmes asked me if I could stay overnight. I don’t know what happened…” This Wednesday, December 25, a good part of the residents of rue de Gouvieux, in Chantillyhad to wait a long time before being able to return home. And the significant deployment of gendarmes and firefighters had something worrying, on this day of Christmas…
This December 25, on social networks, rumors are rife. Especially since the situation seems blocked. Nothing moves. Except the police and emergency services. “I tried to ask questions to the firefighters or other people closing the street,” writes Dominique. “But I didn’t get an answer…” Patricia also tried to find out more. “It must not be a fire, there is no fire truck for the fire,” she notes. I just passed by and there was even a tent set up to serve hot drinks to firefighters and police officers. They must have been there for a while…”
A man out of treatment
In fact, it is Loïc Abrial, the prosecutor of the Republic of Senliswho was kind enough to lift the veil on the why of this important deployment. “It is a 50-year-old man, suffering from a behavioral disorder, who had broken treatment, who took refuge in his home with a bladed weapon,” confides the magistrate. He was arrested without using weapons and then transported to the CHI for hospitalization. There are no victims.”
It seems that this man regularly mobilizes the police. “It’s not the first time that it’s a mess because of him,” Fabrice assures on Facebook. The other one, he pisses everyone off because he didn’t take his drops.”
That said, on that Christmas day, the story ended rather well even if the residents of rue de Gouvieux would have done without this eventful episode.
An almost similar case on May 13
This intervention is reminiscent of another. On Monday, May 13, a large deployment of gendarmes could be observed in the middle of rue du Connétable, a stone’s throw from the Bouteiller space. A former legionnaire, holed up in his home, had caused a certain stir among the Cantiliens. According to a well-informed source, this former legionnaire “suffers from a psychiatric problem. Having forgotten to take his treatment, he was suggested to be hospitalized. He agreed. But when the ambulance arrived, he changed his mind and retreated into his home. Thinking that he could be armed, perhaps even heavily armed, the gendarmes had to use extreme measures. But, ultimately, there was no weapon in his home and the man was finally able to be taken to the hospital, without the slightest problem.
This Wednesday, the man was only armed with a bladed weapon. But the police had no intention of making the residents of rue de Gouvieux take the slightest risk. Hence an intervention which lasted a good part of the afternoon and Christmas evening.