Further raise minimum pensions, repeal the rule on MEF auditors in bodies that receive public contributions, limit the partial blocking of turnover, reduce the tax on bitcoins, modify the web tax. The parties’ assault on the budget law begins. The opposition is preparing to do battle, while in the majority there are those who are pushing to “improve” the text and those who are more cautious. The sword of Damocles of the account adjustment plan hangs over everyone, which makes the path narrower, tying any change to the obligation to have the relevant coverage. The work of the legislative offices will continue throughout the weekend to finalize the amendments, which must be presented to the budget committee of the chamber by Monday.

The hearings on the maneuver in the Commission (rainews)
Parliamentarians have a ‘treasure’ of 120 million at their disposal for 2025, but it has not yet been defined how to divide it between the majority and the opposition. On the additional resources front, we await the final outcome of the agreed biennial for VAT numbers. By the deadline of October 31st, approximately 1.3 billion had been collected (not enough to proceed with the further step on the Irpef), but the government is working on a reopening of the deadlines: an ad hoc decree law, expected in the Council of Ministers perhaps already on Tuesday, should set the new deadline at 10 December (but it is also circulating the hypothesis of 15). In the majority these are crucial hours and possible meetings cannot be ruled out, perhaps following the delivery of the amendments.

Montecitorio (GettyImages)
Forza Italia changes they focus on some macro-themes: further raising minimum pensions, excluding the police forces from the partial block on turnover in the PA, remodulation of the Irpef (with the cut of the second rate from 35 to 33% and the extension of the up to 60 thousand euros), tax relief for those who reinvest profits in the company, repeal of the rule on MEF auditors in entities that receive public contributions, also postponement of the sugar tax and modification of the website tax (reintroducing the threshold of 750 million in global turnover). The latter is a topic on which the Azzurri are increasing pressure: no more “fiscal asymmetry”, says the department manager Alessandro Cattaneo; “We need to make the web giants pay taxes”, adds the group leader in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri. .

Senate budget law, Maurizio Gasparri (handle)
Inside the brothers of Italy, however, tight-lipped about the amendments: before Monday, it’s the line, there’s no talking. Interventions, however, will be limited. “We know well that 97/98% of the time the maneuver is the same, and it cannot be touched. Something can be modified or improved. But we give ourselves a limit”, explained the group leader in recent days Thomas Foti.

Thomas Foti ((LaPresse))
Even in the league we are waiting for Monday and working with the aim of presenting only changes that will be approved. Among the proposals of the Via Bellerio party, intervention to reduce the tax on bitcoins is expected. The League has already unleashed another strong point in the tax bill, with the amendment to cut the Rai license fee also in 2025: a proposal that agitates the majority, with FI having already promised that it will not vote for it.

The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti (LaPresse)
Meanwhile, the intention to replicate what was done last year by concentrating the money from the treasury on a common proposal to finance anti-violence centers is filtering through from the opposition. Some indications on how the maneuver could change came directly from the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, who has already opened up on various topics: from the MEF auditors in companies with public contributions, provided that the principle that whoever receives state money is liable for how he uses them; to building bonuses, but the distinction between first and second home is “mandatory”. Availability to also think about blocking turnover, starting with the exclusion of the security sector. Also ok to evaluate changes to cryptocurrencies
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