
The mayor of Maignelay-Montigny had to make a similar decision. Eventually, Denis Flour was anticipated by the firefighters and the safety commission. For the moment, the former senior residence on rue François-Mitterrand, intended to become a reception center for unaccompanied minors, is subject to non-compliance. As it stands, it cannot accommodate anyone inside.
“We still obtained some details on the project,” said the elected official. “The departmental council informed us that the center could accommodate up to 57 minors. To this, we must add 8 people for management.”
The meeting is long overdue
For the rest, we will have to wait for a hypothetical meeting with the officials of the Oise departmental council, at the origin of the project. A promised meeting with elected officials – but not with members of the opposition collective – was to take place on January 15. The department ultimately canceled the order at the last minute. “At the request of President Nadège Lefebvre,” specifies Denis Flour.
Meeting in municipal council on January 20, the elected officials of Maignelay renewed their request for a meeting. This time, with the members of the collective. And, if necessary, by going to the department hotel in Beauvais. The opponents are already working out their arguments and must finalize them during an information meeting. This takes place on February 6.
A new examination after the work
In the meantime, SAHLM, owner of the premises, must carry out work in the old residence, closed a few years earlier. These could last four months according to Denis Flour. And again, once the operation is completed, the mayor and the security commission will have to give their agreement again during another review.
It has already been several months since a collective protested against this operation carried out by the Oise departmental council with the SAHLM se l’Oise. This involves welcoming Minors of foreign origin. Management would then be entrusted to Coallia. Opponents fear, among other things, security problems in this village of 2,500 inhabitants, perhaps not adapted in terms of transport and support to accommodate this type of population.
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