
There Luminous Christmas Parade will parade in the city center of CompiègneSaturday December 14. Also passing through Margny-lès-Compiègne And Venetteit will leave Compiègne station at 5:30 p.m. after dark.
In association with the Cox du Matz, the Usine à Gaz boutique of Sandra and Nicolas is organizing this parade.
The boutique, located at 3 rue Clément Ader, ZAC de Mercières in Compiègne, is at the origin of the Salon Vintage du Compiégnois.
They called on their friends, enthusiasts and owners of old vehicles. Then, some light garlands to decorate and that’s it. The large garland of luminous vehicles will arrive at the André-Ledoux village hall, place du 8-Mai-1945 in Venette, at the local market.
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