
Barely mentioned, the draft of the school card at the start of the school year in September 2025 in the Oise made teeth cringe. With 49 closings of scheduled classes and 16 openings, the parents of students in the schools concerned did not drag on their dissatisfaction.
HAS Lormaisonnear Méru, it is The large section of nursery school who might not reopen in a few months. “”It was already in talks in Octoberrecalls Anthony Pedussel, representative of parents of students. But the town hall did the necessary to communicate early on registrations. We too on our side we pushed the parents to register their children fairly quickly, before the December holidays, to have the real numbers of the workforce.»»
Enrollment increasing at the start of the school year
This year, thirty-five children make up the large section class. They will be Thirty-seven next year. A double level will therefore be created with CP. “”It is not at all suitable for large section children“, Promains Anthony Pedussel. A petition has been put online by parents of students. She already collects 540 signatures. Parents ask for an audience from the director of the academic inspection. And an extraordinary municipal council will be organized this Wednesday, February 12 at 8 p.m. in the town hall of Lormaison.
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