
“These are not unknown materials. And they are in no way dangerous.” Surprised and annoyed at the turn of events, the owner of the barge moored at Longueil-Annelwhose smells have been disturbing local residents for several days, speaks.
“It would be irresponsible of us to leave dangerous products in the open,” he argues. The river gendarmerie opened an investigation in his absence, due to the report from local residents. A disproportionate reaction, in his eyes.
This is waste that has been incinerated for another use. If part of the roof is open, it is to “avoid humidity”. Hence the smoke which is released and annoys the neighbors.
“Residents no longer want a barge along the canal”
“In any case, the residents of the canal no longer want a barge moored in front of their homes,” recalls the boatman. He believes that the job has become difficult enough to also have to endure this kind of hassle.
The firefighters even carried out analyzes, said Mayor Daniel Beurdeley. He called the sub-prefecture. The boatman says he has the necessary permits to park with his load.
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