
In the defendant box of Beauvais courtthis Friday, January 14, Nicolas Delville is not impressed in the least. He appeared for two series of violence committed during his detention at the Liancourt prison October 9 and 13, 2024. as well as to have spit on a gendarme during his custody on January 8, 2025. He largely recognized the facts except a whim on October 13.
From the start of the hearing, the almost 30 -year -old young man decides with a lot of defendants. He is clearly expressed, without apprehension, with courtesy. When President Sylvain Bottineau asked him if he agrees to be tried right away, he accepts. “”Go ahead your great majestyHe replied without any irony. He seems sure of him but devalues a lot in court. And seems to be resigned to the idea of serving a new prison sentence. The president stops him in his tirade: “You are not “shit”, you are a justifiable like the others», He cuts it by taking up the words of the defendant.
He strikes the nurse who treats him
Nicolas Delville is diagnosed with psychological disorders and must regularly take medication for this. He explains that he was working in Liancourt prison. But that an altercation with a younger detainee earned him to be downgraded. He lives it as an injustice and finds that it is not respected. He starts to go less well and does not take his medication properly. It is therefore a nurse of the health block who must come even in her cell, accompanied by a supervisor, to verify that he swallows the remedy well.
A situation that the detainee does not accept. On October 9, he got carried away. Awards a punch with her beneficent then a whim with the agent who tries to master him. “”Yes I hit them but I recognized my twists. Yeah I took it badly, it happens“, He tries to explain to the hearing. A justification that does not convince the court.
A built life and a long legal journey
His locker has eight mentions of violence. As well as flights and a little drugs. A praise of terrorism too. His first conviction before a judicial court dates back to 2015. At the time of his appearance on February 14, he was released in July 2025. Father of five, he said he could live his situation. “”I am at the bottom of the hole, I live hellhe said. I don’t have a TV, I can’t shave, I don’t have a mirror …»»
He has been followed in psychiatry since the age of 16. But does not want to spread out on his “difficult childhood». “”I trained with people who have taken a different path from society. I was dead from the insideHe said in court. Returning to the facts alleged against him, he finally formulates regrets.
The victim is in contact with him every day
Since this first assault on October 9, Nicolas Delville is still in Liancourt prison. And must continue to take treatment. Nurses who agree to work in the health center of a penitentiary center are not legion. It is therefore his victim who comes to check every day that he takes his treatment. A point on which Me Emmanuelle Grevot, the lawyer of the civil parties who represents four victims of these access to violence on October 9 and 13, well supported.
“”He doesn’t regret anything at all, you have to be clearshe said. He is victimized. (…) I do not see how a nurse had any desire to harm Mr. Delville since she is there to help him. (…) The victim continues every day to give medication to his attacker.This leads to significant moral damage to her. It requires follow -up. This is why this damage was not quantified at the hearing. For the three supervisors victims of blows on October 9 and 13, she requests € 1,000 for this moral damage. And € 250 for their legal costs.
14 months in prison
“”He recognized all the facts except one. It is therefore not to reduce his pain that he recognizes these blowsAssures Me Christelle Vast, Defense lawyer. She testifies that she did not have managed a violent behavior on her part. And that this is also the case of the shrink which established his expertise, despite the unpleasant questions that he had to confront himself. She does not want to be attributed to her the trauma of the nurse to see him again on a daily basis after the assault. The lack of staff and the organization of the prison administration “It is not his responsibility“, She said.
“”We tried several sorrows, nothing worked“, Recalls Benoit Teulière, who represents the public prosecutor. He required two years in prison with a warrant of deposit and a whole panel of additional sentences.
After deliberation, the court sentenced Nicolas Delville to two years in prison, including 10 months under suspended probationary for three years. This is 14 months in prison to be served immediately with a warrant of deposit. He has the obligation to follow psychiatric care and the ban on having a weapon for three years. As well as an ineligibility penalty. He will have to pay € 800 to each of the agents attacked under moral damage and € 250 for their procedural costs. “”Is that all? How are you…», Immediately reacts the accused. “You have ten days to call», Inform him the president of the court. But “I will not call Mr. Your Majesty“Replied Nicolas Delville.
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