
Jean-Claude Villemain, mayor of Creil, will prove once again that he deserves the gold medal for the worst real estate agent in the world. Monday December 16, 2024, the municipal council will record the sale of two properties:
- The buildings from 16 to 24 rue du maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny will be sold for 323,000 euros while they were purchased for 500,000 euros in 2018. That is to say a capital loss of 177,000 euros.
- 55 rue Victor Hugo will be sold for 120,000 euros whereas it was purchased for 270,000 euros in 2009. That is a new capital loss of 150,000 euros.
Loss of 327,000 euros
The loss for the town hall of Creil, one of the poorest towns in France, is 327,000 euros.
In reality, it is much bigger.
You must add the duties and taxes payable by the buyer (“notary fees”), of around 7%. An additional loss of more than 50,000 euros. We must add the loss of property tax. Because it is the owner who pays the property tax, therefore, in this case, the town hall. At a minimum, another 50,000 euros.
Then there is annual maintenance to prevent buildings from falling into disrepair. From 1 to 3% of the value of the property. We must reach 100,000 euros.
So, on these bases alone, the town hall of Creil lost more than half a million euros in these incredible affairs.
When Villemain plays and loses at Monopoly
So when the Creillois toil to earn a living, the mayor, in his luxurious town hall office, plays Monopoly. He probably remembers that when he was a child, he was the champion of this American capitalist game. All you had to do was buy land, then green houses, then red hotels, to win every time.
Having become mayor, he said to himself: it’s the same. And if I’m mayor, I’m at least as strong as the capitalists.
Result: Hundreds of thousands of euros in losses in the Hostellerie de la Rivière affair, in the Hôtel du Chalet affair (apart from, there, it was Epflo which when even swelled a little), it is enough to go back to the deliberations of the municipal council, to discover, almost every time, the pitiful financial consequences of the Mozart of Creille real estate.
After all this, the mayor will cry to say that he did not commit any impropriety. We agree. In real estate, there is no one more honest than the mayor of Creil. And no more incompetent.
Philippe Druart, boss of the Ardrimmo agency, the buyer of the two properties, would like to point out that the properties purchased are not exactly similar. Thus the Edouard-Vaillant public elementary school recovered a few square meters on the property on rue du maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny. But at the price at which prime square meters facing the station are sold (Hotel du Chalet deal), this should not represent much.
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