“The time has come for a real one social revolt“. For the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini “we can no longer go on like this”: the general strike of November 29th will only be the beginning of a “battle” to change not only the maneuver but the country. A gauntlet to the government that immediately ignites the conflict. With the prime minister’s party going on the attack on the trade unionist: “Be very careful”, is the warning from Fdi, which fears charges of a crime. In the aftermath of the failed meeting between the unions and the Prime Minister Giorgia Melonipostponed to next week due to the prime minister’s influence, and with one on the table general strike proclaimed by CGIL and UILtension is running high. Landini uses new and harsh words at the delegates’ assembly in Milan: because the “living and working conditions of people” must “return to being at the center of politics”, he says.
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani intervenes on these words: “The social revolt is not a message of great responsibility” because it makes one think of “violent demonstrations”. Tajani said this while speaking to journalists in Beijing. We see, he added, that the unions are divided, “on one side Cgil and Uil, on the other CISL and the self-employed, the Ugl”. “I was very sorry and very, very perplexed by the fundamentalist attitude” of some unions, the union “must do its part and not hinder the protection of workers”.
Yesterday also the reaction of the brothers of Italyfrom which an equally harsh barrage rises up. Landini “makes you shudder”, he should apologize, says the deputy group leader at Palazzo Madama Salvatore Sallemi. “He speaks like the bad teachers of the 70s”, adds the other deputy group leader of the senators, Antonella Zedda. “We ask ourselves with what courage you incite social revolt”, is the thrust of the group leader in the chamber Thomas Foti: a move that “integrates the details of a crime”, as well as making people “totally lose face”. Against Landini too Bergamini (FI) who defines him as a “destroyer of union representation” e Wolves which brands the words of the CGIL leader as “irresponsible”.
This morning at the microphones of Radio Me too the deputy prime minister and minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini: “We have the only extremist union in Europe that is going on a general strike against a move that increases the wages of 14 million workers. I ask myself: how do you, who say you represent the workers, call for social revolt and general strike when the salaries of your representatives increase? It is clear that people no longer join the CGIL. Let’s see how many people will go on strike against the increase in their salaries”. The deputy prime minister and minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, said this on “Radio anch’io” on Rai Radio Uno.
THE’opposition instead it rallies around the union leader and lashes out against Fdi: “enough with the threats to the CGIL”, demands the Democratic Party. The centre-right’s attacks “as well as being ridiculous, are nothing short of surreal”, says the M5s. AVS expresses solidarity with Landini, the subject of “threatening intimidation”.
The maneuver, meanwhile, is preparing to enter the heart of parliamentary changes. The cycle of hearings ends today with the intervention of the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgettiafter which the amendments are expected on Monday 11th. To the many criticisms of the maneuver that have arrived in recent days from industrialists, doctors, BankItalia and the Parliamentary Budget Officethe voice of theAnia: “We all have to do our part and the insurance industry has always made its contribution, but we struggle to understand” why this is the sector “most impacted by the measure”, denounces the president Maria Bianca Farina. Complaining about the failure to share measures that later turned out to be permanent and asking that they be at least made temporary. The waltz of amendments has meanwhile begun on the tax decree.
The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti (LaPresse)
There are 382 amendment proposals submitted to the Senate Budget Committee, of which almost half of the majority.
There is the promised amendment from the League which also confirms for 2025 the cut of the Rai license fee from 90 to 70 euro, as well as (again from the League) the postponement to January 2025 of the second installment of the self-employed person’s advance, also including social security and welfare contributions. One also ticks new scrappingthe quinquies, for the 2022-23 folders, proposed by the senators of Fi Lotito and Paroli. Who also sign the amendment to reopen the terms of the special correction of tax violations.
Meanwhile, the government is working on reopening of the terms of the agreement biennial, which ended on 31 October with a haul of around 1.3 billion. Too little to be able to proceed with the Irpef reform for the middle class. The new deadline, which should arrive with a decree-law on the table of the next Council of Ministers, should be set for 10 December. The belief at the Mef is that with a little more time to study and metabolize the tax proposal the audience could increase. And so are the resources. The final amount, explain various sources, will determine what they will be used for: Irpef, flat tax or perhaps something else, we’ll see.