On November 7, a strike hit the Amyot-d’Inville high schoolhas Senlis. The majority of the 70 teachers at this establishment demanded more resources to be able to properly carry out their missions… The latest outing from the regional advisors of the south of Oise, Manoëlle Martin And François Deshayesshould reassure them. For the two elected officials, one thing is certain: the Hauts-de-France provides unwavering support to high schools in Oise and the region.
“As the local authority responsible for high schools, the Hauts-de-France regional council takes charge of essential areas such as building maintenance, energy expenditure, school catering and allocations enabling the proper functioning of schools. educational establishments”, first recall the two elected officials who are known to be diligent members of high school boards of directors. For François Deshayes and Manoëlle Martin, “this commitment translates into constant investments, adapted to the needs of the establishments”.
A DGF of 90 million euros
In 2025, the overall operating allocation (DGF) for high schools will amount to 90 million euros, an increase of 15% compared to 2021. “This significant increase comes in a context marked by energy crises and inflation. prolonged, underlines Manoëlle Martin. The Region has been able to respond to these challenges while optimizing public funding to guarantee sustainable and responsible allocations.”
Between 2021 and 2023, funding allocated to educational services has also increased by 16%, strengthening the resources made available to establishments to support learning and support student success. “The recent adjustments by the DGF reflect above all a significant drop in energy costs, with a reduction of 46% in the price of gas and 23% in that of electricity between 2023 and 2025,” notes François Deshayes. These savings allow resources to be redeployed to other priorities, while maintaining constant support for the maintenance and operation of high schools.”
The Region invests in buildings
Furthermore, the Region continues to be committed to the future of high school students by investing in buildings and renovating them. “And this is within the framework of its REV3 policy, an ambitious ecological transition approach making it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and stabilize energy costs,” indicate Manoëlle Martin.
The words of the two regional advisors are likely to reassure the teachers of the Amyot-d’Inville high school. But not just them since all establishments are affected by this support. Now, let’s not forget that although the Region has never left a high school behind, it is not the region that manages the establishments, this role being above all that of the principal.
Some establishment managers are keen to preserve a significant amount of working capital, in order to keep a small margin for the following year’s budget… This strategy, which is understood, can sometimes distort the situation.