Prime Minister Giorgia Meloniin this morning’s meeting with the trade unions at Palazzo Chigi on maneuver economic, he explained that “it is in continuity with the choices that the government made with the two previous financial laws. We have concentrated resources on some fundamental priorities, with a medium and long-term vision, keeping accounts in order and focusing on a growth perspective Italian systemdespite the far from easy international context in which we operate”.
Going into more detail, the Prime Minister did not fail to highlight how the one chosen by the executive is “a change of pace compared to the approach that we have seen too many times in the pastwhen it was preferred to adopt measures more useful for gathering consensus immediately than to lay the foundations for lasting growthpassing the cost of those measures onto those who would come later. Like us, who are collecting the serious legacy of debts that weigh like a boulder on the public accounts”.
“Minister Giorgetti will be more punctual than me, but I want to say that the solidity, credibility and courage of this government have made it possible to have banks and insurance companies participate in the coverage of the budget law” the prime minister then added, from what we learned during the meeting. For Meloni it is “a big change compared to the past, when instead with the budget law the resources were found to support banks and insurance companies, and no one called for social revolt”.
Giorgia Meloni took the opportunity of today’s meeting to return to the now famous episode that saw her involved in Door to Door when, doing i live calculations on the extent of the measures in the pipeline, she got lost among the figures: “After the confusion I made a Door to doorI am I’m happy that Bombardieri brought me a calculatorso he can also make this quick calculation” he said, according to what we learn, during the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, on the healthcare chapter. “When this government took office in 2022, the National health fund it was 126 billion. In 2025 it will reach the record figure of 136.5 billion. This means – added Meloni – that, in two years, the Health Fund has increased by 10.5 billion euros. In 2026 the fund will grow further and reach 140.6 billion. Health spending is not only increasing in absolute terms, but also as per capita spending, even taking inflation into account.”
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