
Since this Wednesday afternoon, January 8, the firefighters intervene in various places in the northwest of Oise to help residents. With the heavy rains and snow, several homes were flooded in the sectors of Grandvilliers. In total, firefighters recorded 38 interventions in the department. The majority of which seems to be in green Picardy.
In particular, therefore, to the north of the town of Grandvilliers. Sdis says that firefighters intervened in around forty pavilions. Including two which required the rehousing of the inhabitants by the family. In the same sector, the Dekester nursery also suffered damage. Even if the store is open this Thursday. “Part of the store was not flooded. It was the greenhouses that flooded», Specifies the company this Thursday morning. As for the snow, it is slowly melting but a few centimeters are still on the ground.
The Songeons MFR and a Crèvecœur gymnasium slightly affected
In their report, the firefighters also indicate that they intervened at the Family and Rural House (MFR) of Songeons. L’flood from the Dieppe road extended to the boarding school of the school. The 57 students and two educators present were brought to safety in the classrooms, but more out of fear than harm. Contacted this Thursday, the MFR specified that it was mainly the courtyard which was flooded. Water apparently did not enter the buildings.
This is, more or less, what happened to Crèvecœur-le-Grand as well. The firefighters intervened to pump water from the gymnasium of Jehan-le-Fréron college. “Flood is a big wordprocrastinates Mayor Aymeric Bourleau. We had an increase in rainwater in the college parking lot. Firefighters were called upon to speed up the flow of water. And there was a slight flow of water towards a technical room.» But, although it still snowed for two hours this Thursday morning in the town, it should not hinder the college students in their day.

Firefighter interventions in this northwest sector of the Oise are expected to continue throughout the day. “Heavy pumping resources», are mobilized around Grandvilliers announces Sdis. On social networksthe prefecture adds that the risk of flooding and runoff remains high around Epte and Thérain. Caution is advised on the road, where several portions may be flooded.
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