
Paul Henry, around 20 years old, fully recognizes the facts. In immediate appearance before the Compiègne courthe must answer for drunk drivingat a rate of 80 mg of alcohol per liter of exhaled air, refusal to comply And hit and run. Facts dating back to the night of Friday November 29 to Saturday November 30, around 4:30 a.m., at Compiègnein the Mercières area.
The young man was leaving the Patio establishment. Realizing that he did not have the optimal faculties for safe driving, he listened to the advice of a friend. He recommended that he park near his home, to regain his strength through a restful sleep.
But while slowly starting his Peugeot 307, the young man forgot to release the handbrake. So much so that it stalled. He tried again, still with the handbrake, so it made noise and a lot of smoke. All in front of a police patrol, present in front of the exit of the establishment.
The police follow him from a distance to reduce the danger
The police activated their audible and visual warnings, but the young man chose to leave the scene by accelerating. He finds the instructions for using the handbrake and launches into a headlong flight. Forward, but in the wrong direction of traffic, against the direction of the D113 exit ramp. “The police imagine that he will realize his mistake,” describes the president. But no, it continues towards Jardiland. So the police follow him from a distance.”
The Peugeot 307 finds itself facing a vehicle. The police fear face-to-face confrontation. But the driver swerves to avoid the head-on collision (they collide sideways) and also avoid the police car. “I especially tried to brake without skidding, because there was ice,” comments the driver of this vehicle at the helm. I squeezed onto the left and the guardrail. I heard a boom….”
“The police abandoned the pursuit because it was too dangerous,” continued the president. They go to the defendant’s house to arrest him at his home, because they noted the license plate. They arrest the young man there, who lets himself be carried away.
“In panic I saw the police lights”
“During the evening, I consumed alcohol,” he recalls. I told my friends I was going to sleep in the parking lot. I left the Patio nightclub. My friend told me to park near his house. I forgot to release the handbrake. I panicked when I saw the police lights.”
Usually, he says he doesn’t take his car. “Or, I have already slept in the parking lot so that I can leave more carefully in the morning,” he explains. About the collision? “I went to the left of the car and my mirror broke,” he said. I continued on my way.” “You could have avoided this collision if you were less determined,” the court said. “I don’t have the feeling of having forced the way,” he says.
“And when you are at home, before the police arrive, what do you say to yourself?”, asks the court. “I had a lot of stress,” he replies. I told myself that I did something stupid. I was angry with myself….”
At the helm, there are many regrets. “I am sincerely sorry to this person, and to the police officers I put in danger,” he said. How did I get to this point… I’m disappointed in myself, I disappointed my parents. It scares me to be there.”
For their part, the police say they were afraid for other users, but did not take legal action.
“I’m not here to overwhelm this young man,” said the driver opposite.
The driver who avoided the head-on collision is required to be present at the hearing. “I wanted to put a face and a name to what happened,” says this former truck driver, who worked in the profession for fifteen years. And I’m not here to overwhelm this young man. I wanted to listen to him. I am surprised by his young age. What happened is serious, but fortunately it is only material. I was afraid for him, too…”
He was leaving for work that morning. “I have my children waiting for me at home,” he recalls. I just wanted him to hear it…” His lawyer, Chloé Tourre, is requesting a referral based on civil interests.
“It makes me realize the seriousness of what I did,” reacts the defendant. For him too, it is important to see the face of this person he has put in danger.
“I did not want to endanger the police”
“What value do you give to the injunctions of the police? Does that have any value for you?”, the prosecutor asks him. “It’s not an option, we have to stop,” replies the defendant, who plans to be a peacekeeper.
“The police see you take the left lane, so that they find themselves facing this car,” continues the prosecutor. Do you remember this maneuver? “It was not intentional to put them in danger,” he assures. My desire was to return home. I didn’t want to cause an accident or inconvenience them.”
“You narrowly escaped pre-trial detention,” recalls the court. “However,” explains the prosecutor. Once he is checked, law enforcement could have simply asked an acquaintance to come pick him up. But he had a moment of panic and took all the risks. He changed lanes to position himself in front of another vehicle. Why, if not to, at the very least, hinder the police? The driver of the other vehicle describes a terrifying scene: uA single lane with a safety barrier, his life flashing before his eyes…
It requires a follow-up sentence, namely eight months in prison suspended for two years. With obligation to work, to follow a road safety awareness course, and to compensate the victim. She requests the cancellation of the driving license and a period of five months without being able to retake it. Finally, she opposes the non-registration of the sentence on the bulletin, which would allow her to join the police.
“I want to believe sir”
“At this hearing, we witnessed the beginnings of restorative justice,” argues Master Emilie Hennique. He doesn’t want to burden her. He just wants him to realize the facts… He does. The first police custody allowed him to understand the seriousness of the facts. Indeed, he reacted badly. He was afraid of being tested because he had been drinking. The situation could have been much less serious if he had not tried to flee.”
“I want to believe sir when he says that he had no intention of putting people in danger,” she concludes.
The court imposes a simple suspended prison sentence of twelve months. As well as a road safety awareness course to be completed within six months. He orders the cancellation of a driving license and a five-month ban without being able to retake it.
The hearing on civil interests is postponed until March 13 at 2 p.m.
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