
L’Agence France Presse (AFP) announces this Monday, November 18 the lifting of theisolation of theex-robber creillois Rédoine Faïd. The latter is currently behind bars. And since his escape of the prison of Réau (Seine-et-Marne) in 2018, the robber was in solitary confinement.
Detention conditions “contrary to human dignity”
A sentencing judge ordered this Monday, November 18, the lifting of Rédoine Faïd’s solitary confinement. She justified her decision by considering that these conditions are “contrary to human dignity”. After this decision, the prison administration has 30 days to comply with this decision.
For its part, the Béthune public prosecutor’s office indicated toAFP appealed this decision.
His advice: “This proves that what we have been saying for months is true”
For the defense of Rédoine Faïd, this decision is a victory. “This proves that what we have been saying for months is true and that Rédoine Faïd is undergoing treatment contrary to human dignity, even though her prison journey is busy,” confided Me Benoit David (one of her lawyers). ) to theAFP.
The Creillois had denounced his conditions of detention for many months: isolation, visiting rooms behind a hygiaphone, no access to a family living unit. In November 2023, Rédoine Faïd confided in Parisian on the occasion of the release of his work (Spiral at Lattès). “It’s a daily fight to stay standing, not to sink into prison chaos. After years of isolation, an inmate commits suicide or goes crazy, becoming violent against himself or others. So, I’m already happy to be alive. I’m even surprised to get there.”
Released in 2060
Rédoine Faïd is notably serving a 14-year prison sentence for his helicopter escape from Réau prison in 2018. With the other prison sentences, Rédoine Faïd should not be released until 2060. He would then be 88 years old. .
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