
It moves at Carlepont. Almost at the same time as the Entente Loisirs Carlepont (athletics) was making a spectacular comeback, in September the festival committee. “He was arrested at the beginning of the 1990s after having worked for around thirty years,” summarizes Sébastien Marceau, secretary of the new association.
The origin of this resurrection of the committee owes a lot to the village municipal council. And this is why the three members of the office are also elected officials: in addition to Sébastien Marceau, we find Anthony Calmels as treasurer and Sarah Tassy as president. “It was at the end of a counseling session, we said to ourselves that there were things to do and Sarah, I think, launched the idea, we said “chick”, we created the statutes in the process and the association was born.
Creating an association is easy. Keeping it alive is more complicated. But for now, the new festival committee is doing brilliantly. “Three weeks after the creation, we organized our first event, an eighties evening, the village hall was full with 72 registrations, we had to refuse around twenty people,” enthuses the secretary. “There was a real demand,” he analyzes, “people told us that they had never seen the village hall so full in around thirty years, that evening, everyone was dancing to the track, no one was at the table anymore.
Full of projects

With its four volunteers in addition to the office, Élodie, Alain, Sandrine and Ophélie, the association is currently working on organizing its second event this Sunday, November 17. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the association organizes its first toy market and childcare items. “On the exhibitor side, we are already full,” underlines the secretary. All that remains is, as Christmas approaches, to bring in visitors who want to fill Santa’s sack at a lower cost.
To put a little money in the coffers and allow the organization of subsequent meetings, the association also launched a raffle (until December 15), and went door to door to sell its boxes, or leave grids with traders. Enough to then start a big lottery in March, then in May another meeting: “We are working on creating a gathering of old mopeds,” reveals the association.
Open-air cinema, flower house competition…
Among the projects, the association is also working on an outdoor cinema session “that people ask us for”, comments Sébastien Marceau. The association is also studying the return of the flowered houses competition in spring. “It was something that existed before, that everyone liked, but which had been stopped due to a lack of people to take care of it,” underlines the secretary of the festival committee.
So many events which will once again enliven Carlepont and its 1,400 inhabitants. But in order not to run out of steam, the new festival committee invites Carolipontois to join them “and lend a helping hand”. “We are working on a lot of other things, but for the moment nothing is definitive, we will talk about it as needed,” announces the secretary.
Carlepont is currently teeming with initiatives. This is even more true when we know that the ALJC Animons les Jeunes de Carlepont, another association, has also just been created and is a hit with its Halloween activities. “They are putting together something to entertain for Christmas,” says Sébastien Marceau, “the idea is obviously to do things with them in the future.”
Contact: Sébastien Marceau on 06 79 46 42 62

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