“First of all, let’s wait to see what the decisions of the jurisdiction will be”, but “for me to be able to intervene in the Council of Ministers with advice or other forms of dialogue on what concerns the sovereignty of the jurisdiction would be contrary to my education as a magistrate. The reactions I had were exclusively technical, I don’t want to go further” specified the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordioresponding to those who asked him if he was willing to intervene with his moral suasion to induce politics to tone down justice issues and immigration, if tomorrow the Court of Rome takes a decision on a matter similar to the previous ones. “This is called predictive justice,” Nordio joked.
“I hope that the judge, who has to do it, interprets the law, then politicians will have the right to review the laws if these do not seem sufficient to address political problems that have been posed by the electorate” added the Keeper of the Seals during a link telephone call with the conference organized for the 60th anniversary of Democratic Judiciarythe progressive current within the ANM.
“I continue to show solidarity with those judges who are placed under guard as a result of threats which also depend on an unacceptable climate of institutional attack against them” comments the national secretariat of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein.
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