After the introduction of the law that made surrogacy abroad a crime, the minister of the Eugenia Roccella Family clarified his thoughts on the issue of doctors’ complaints. He did it responding during the question time to a question from deputy Riccardo Magi on the declarations relating to alleged obligations for doctors deriving from the recent legislation regarding the prosecution of the crime of maternity surrogacy committed abroad.
“I have never instigated anyone to report doctors or others. I think that if you don’t like a law, you fight to change it or engage in civil disobedience, assuming the consequences. You don’t try to evade or circumvent it”, he said. said Roccella.
“When asked on the fly, on the sidelines of an event that concerned another topic, I stated the obvious”, namely “that public officials – and doctors can be among them – report any violations of the laws”, she explained, recalling that ” for doctors, the penal code prescribes both the reporting of the crime and an exception in the case in which the patient could have criminal consequences. However, no one would think of talking about ‘informing’ when doctors exercise this responsibility faced, for example, with suspected cases of violence, child abuse, accidents at work, or compulsory vaccination, or organ trafficking, the truth is that renting a uterus is not perceived as a crime by some not even as a negative value”.
“Our law has been greeted with enthusiasm, for example by the international networks of abolitionist feminism, which believe, like the Court of Cassation and the Council, that surrogacy is a horror and that our law is an act of great civility”, he said. the minister continued.
“We know the dizzying amount of money behind the maternity market – continued Roccella – the inhumanity of contracts for pregnant women, the racist nature of the catalogues, where you can choose the color of your skin and where the oocytes of women color costs much less than those of the white ones”.
It is therefore a practice that “according to the Constitutional Court ‘deeply undermines human relations’. And which for the Court of Cassation reduces the woman’s body ‘to a mechanical incubator’ favoring an unacceptable commodification of the body. A practice, I always quote the Court of Cassation, which ‘intolerably offends the dignity’ of women ‘even in the absence of a condition of need of the same and regardless of the concrete verification of the autonomous and unconditional formation of its decision-making process”, he concluded.

surrogacy, generic image (pixabay)
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