“The nomination as Cavaliere del Lavoro is a huge honour, for which I would really like to express all my gratitude to President Mattarella and the Council of the Order of Merit for Labour”. He underlines it the president of Fininvest, Marina Berlusconi, entering the Quirinale on the occasion of his nomination as Cavaliere del Lavoro. “I dedicate this recognition to my fatherwhich received the same title in 1977. Silvio Berlusconi will forever remain ‘the Knight’ – continues Marina Berlusconi -. More than forty years have passed, but I remember as if it were yesterday that day in Rome in which my mother, I and my brother Pier Silvio accompanied him to the ceremony for this honor: I was a child, and that moment will remain in my heart forever” “I would also like to add that this title is not just mine, it also belongs to all the people who work in the Mondadori Group and more generally in Mediaset and throughout the Fininvest Group. This knighthood is also for them and I wish to share it with them, because it is a recognition of their commitment, their energy, their passion”, concludes Marina Berlusconi. Today at the Quirinale the awards of the Order of Merit of the Work’ to the new 25 Knights of Labor appointed by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella on 2 June. The ‘Alfieri del Lavoro’, 25 of the best students in Italy, were also awarded.

Quirinale, the ceremony of awarding the insignia of Knighthood of the Order (rainews)
Mattarella: “Young people, take the future”
He spoke during the ceremony for the awarding of the insignia of Cavaliere del Lavoro at the Quirinale the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to greet the 25 new knights and the 25 new standard bearers: “It is not selfishness and closure that promote and govern growth and progress. I would like to say to young people: take the future” said the Head of State. “It is not a selfish gesture. On the contrary, it is a response to the appeal for responsibility and commitment”, insists the Head of State, recalling that “in the age group between 20 and 34 the gap on the national labor market compared to the European Union average is 13 percentage points to the detriment of young Italians. This imbalance increases the risks of hemorrhaging abroad of very precious energies”. “There is less reflection than necessary on the consequences for the younger generations of the impetuous transformations of our time and of the imbalances that risk penalizing the time they will live. Of course, extraordinary events such as wars, pandemics, natural disasters can intervene, deviating the course of history, but investing in young people is simply the future“.
Mattarella, Italy is growing again, unreasonable rating agencies don’t notice it
“The liveliness of companies and their ability to face the challenges of the market, even in the changing and difficult conditions of recent years, has allowed us to recover after the season of financial crises and after the great setback following the pandemic Covid. Italy has started to grow again.” The President of the Republic added in his speech. “If we consider the last five years, the national GDP has increased in percentage more than the French and German ones – recalls the Head of State –. Employment is growing, and so are permanent employment contracts. Italian exports continue to record positive data, supporting the national product. Further credit goes to those companies that have been able to face the risks and opportunities of globalization”. “The Bank of Italy data – underlines Mattarella – certify a leap for our country: the net foreign position, in June of this year, was in credit for around 225 billion euros. An enormous size: 10.5% of GDP. It is unreasonable that it is not noticed by rating agencies when evaluating the prospects and reliability of the Italian economy”.
The list of the 25 Knights of Labor
The 25 Knights of Labor appointed last 2 June and who receive the honor are Lucia Aleotti (Tuscany – Industry, Pharmaceuticals), Eufrasio Anghileri (Lombardy – Industry, Iron and Steel), Giovanni Arena (Sicily – Commerce, Large-scale distribution), Pietro Beccari (Abroad – Industry, Fashion and luxury design), Marina Elvira Berlusconi (Lombardy – Industry, Publishing), Paolo Bertazzoni (Emilia-Romagna – Industry, Appliances), Maria Chiara Boni (Lombardy – Industry, Fashion clothing), Giorgio Campagnolo ( Veneto – Industry, Sportswear), Carmine Caputo (Campania – Food Industry, Milling), Caterina Imelde Caselli (Lombardy – Industry, Recording), Carlo Cimbri (Emilia-Romagna – Tertiary, Insurance), Graziano Giordani (Marche – Crafts, Embroidery ), Raffaella Leone (Lazio – Tertiary sector, Cinematography), Matteo Bruno Lunelli (Trentino Alto Adige – Vitiviniculture, Sparkling wines), Fausto Manzana (Trentino Alto Adige – Tertiary sector, IT services), Giuseppe Marino (Piedmont – Industry, Railway), Francesco Giovanni Muntoni (Sardinia – Services, Hotels), Duilio Paolino (Piedmont – Industry, Agricultural machinery), Vito Antonio Primiceri (Puglia – Services, Credit), Fabio Ravanelli (Piedmont – Industry, Cosmetics), Edoardo Roncadin (Friuli Venezia Giulia – Industry and trade, Frozen products), Enrico Samer (Friuli Venezia Giulia – Tertiary sector, Logistics), Antonio Serena Monghini (Emilia-Romagna – Energy industry, Oil), Giovanni Sgariboldi (Lombardy – Industry, Cosmetics and perfumes), Aquilino Carlo Villano (Campania – Industry, Aerospace).
Together with the new Knights, a Medal was awarded to the Knights of Labor who have belonged to the Order for 25 years: to Giuseppe Pasquale Marra, the president of the Adnkronos group, to Mario Casoni, Enzo Cavallari, Piergiorgio Coin, Giovanni Gustavo Delle Piane, Gabriele Galateri of Genola and Suniglia, Giorgetto Giugiaro, Learco Malaguti, Alessandro Scelfo.
The Standard Bearers of Work
On the occasion of the awarding of the honor in the Quirinale to the new Cavalieri del Lavoro, the ‘Alfieri del Lavoro’, the best students in Italy, are also awarded. Established in 1961 to coincide with the centenary of the Unification of Italy, the ‘Alfieri del Lavoro’ Award is promoted by the National Federation of the Knights of Labor and is awarded each year to 25 students who have completed upper secondary school with top marks . The number of awardees is linked to that of the Cavalieri del Lavoro, to underline the continuity of commitment to study and life. The Certificate of Honor and the Medal of the President of the Republic go to the Alfieri del Lavoro.
The 25 Alfieri del Lavoro selected in 2024 and awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic today are: Giovanni Antonucci (Bari), Mauro Alberto Avigliano (Potenza), Alessandro Bastarelli (Fermo), Francesca Bianchessi (Milan), Gabriele Sebastiano Cristaudo (Catania), Luca De Masi (Lecce), Alessandro Vincenzo De Vita (Siena), Franco Della Negra (Udine), Domenico Di Cristofano (Chieti), Maria Di Mauro (Caserta), Daniele Maria Falciglia (Enna), Camilla Fezzi (Verona), Gabriele Garofalo (Cosenza), Elisa Ipektchi (Rome), Giovanni Lo Schiavo (Salerno), Victoria Moranduzzo (Trento), Lorenzo Murace (Bologna), Alessio Neri (Livorno), Chiara Pirazzini (Ravenna), Francesca Carla Prato (Turin), Alessandro Serafini (South Sardinia), Matteo Severgnini (Cremona), Isabella Solari (Alessandria), Simona Taddeo (Brindisi), Sofia Vari (Frosinone).
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