
Since the creation of their collective, opponents of creation from a home for unaccompanied minors (UMA) in Maignelay-Montigny are doing the media tour. After multiple mentions in the local newspapers, their case was also mentioned on Cyril Hanouna’s show. They also made several appearances on CNews. More recently, le Figaro also investigated this controversy.
The vice-president of the Oise departmental council in charge of this file, Sophie Levesquechose to respond to the daily newspaper belonging to the Dassault family. When questioned, the elected official assures that she wants to meet local elected officials, not opponents, “during January.”
“They’re not OQTFs!”
For Sophie Levesque, this MNA home project conveys “false ideas about new arrivals”.
“It’s a question of humanity,” argues the departmental manager. “These young people are there, it’s a fact. Where do we put them?”
Sophie Levesque promises 24-hour supervision for the fifty young people expected in the former senior residence, located rue François-Mitterand, in Maignelay-Montigny. With watchmen, guides, daytime training with transportation included. “These are not OQTFs! These are young people who, given what they have been through, want to work,” she insists.
Convinced the opponents?
Sophie Levesque recalls that the departmental council has an obligation to welcome these unaccompanied minors. As for the choice of Coallia, it results from a call for projects.
Arguments which should hardly convince the members of the collective. Since the announcement of this project in September, they have denounced a security risk for the inhabitants of this town in Plateau Picard. They fear, among other things, the development of some traffic. They also highlight scandals that occurred within Coallia. “We have a former employee of this structure who told us what is happening inside,” explained the opponents, still in Le Figaro.
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