
“We are going to launch into the campaign with less noise”smiles Marie Ortegat, spokesperson for the Peasant Confederation of Oise and market gardener in La Neuville-sur-Oudeuil. The union, which counts Simon Inglard as the only one elected to the Chamber of Agriculturemet in Haucourt, on the Frimousse farm, to present its program and future actions.
Without often agreeing with the FDSEA which is the majority union in the profession here, the spokesperson recognizes that there are common battles to wage. In particular against free trade agreements “and not just Mercosur“, she specifies. For them, free trade agreements “destroy peasant agriculture“. Because by importing foodstuffs produced at low cost and with more flexible standards, local producers cannot comply.
Develop good practices
The Peasant Confederation is also in favor of peasant income. “For us this is the keyinsists Marie Ortegat. If all farmers had a decent income, agriculture would be more virtuous and could establish more premises. This is not possible. We work 70 hours a week and we sell at a loss.» For her, the establishment of this income “That goes through floor prices which are to be found by sector“.
The union always campaigns for improved practices. Which will only be possible according to him once farmers live from their production. Improving practices is essential today for the Peasant Confederation while the Oise is experiencing numerous problems with thresholds being exceeded in its water catchment points. As such “we are a little stunned by the actions before the French Biodiversity Office (OFB)», continues Marie Ortegat. Last week, demonstrators led by the FDSEA and the Young Farmers of Oise symbolically walled off the entrance to the Beauvais premises and dumped large volumes of waste on the public highway as a sign of protest.
“We want to produce, but produce well”
“We are not going to defend the OFB because it is a questionable servicespecifies the spokesperson. On the other hand, the control of good practices goes in the common sense. The symbol is problematic.» «We think that standards mean making mistakes out of anger. This is not what will bring in income», Adds Marie-Hélène Ortegat, also in the union.
She also emphasizes the importance of “keep the number of farms», which implies no longer expanding already substantial farms. “We want to produce, but we want to produce well», summarizes Simon Inglard, who is once again the head of the union list.
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