
Since his appointment at the Hotel MatignonTHE Prime Minister François Bayrou working on the composition of this government. It should be announced in the evening, the Elysée announced this Monday, December 23. The fact remains that this composition of the government still faces some blockages such as the presence of Xavier Bertrand within a sovereign ministry.
Xavier Bertrand was a candidate for Matignon, but Gabriel Attal was preferred. The executive undoubtedly judged his personality to be too divisive towards the National Rally, which threatened to censor a government whose leader would be Xavier Bertrand.
Xavier Bertrand, a foil for the RN
This time, it was François Bayrou who was appointed to Matignon. The Prime Minister could be tempted to appoint leading political figures, where the previous government had few. And here comes the name of Xavier Bertrand.
The former Minister of Labor and Health does not want a social portfolio and would like a sovereign ministry. His name is mentioned for the Ministry of Justice. The fact remains that yesterday’s blockages are still there. And on TV sets this weekend, RN spokespersons constantly reiterated their opposition to the presence of the president of the Hauts-de-France region in government. Proof if any were needed that Xavier Bertrand is a foil for the far-right.
If Xavier Bertrand entered the government, the RN could once again censor the government. This is what Marine Le Pen’s entourage suggested this weekend.
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