
While the traditional ceremony of wishes of Oise habitat stood at Gouvieuxa large part of personalall services combined, met in front of the village hall this Thursday, January 23 to manifest their discomfort.
Through their union representatives, they denounce “a flagrant deterioration of their working conditions”.
“We are on the front line and we are increasingly in demand by staff. During meetings, we find ourselves faced with management who clearly do not want to hear anything. How many times have we heard: it is like this and not otherwise! Employees want concrete answers. The uneasiness is not new and if the last large-scale demonstration dates back more than 10 years, today, with 120 to 130 staff in the street, in front of the room, they must understand that we are determined.
The inter-union is in unison. Mostly, it is the CFDT and FO habitat which represent the staff, around 230 across Oise habitat.
The list of grievances is long. Deterioration of working conditions, constant overload of work due to unreplaced positions, reduction in the number of employees, exhausted, demotivated staff, leading to a massive wave of resignations, a lack of recognition, a tightening of the rules for taking leave , to this is added the elimination of bonuses considered essential, a management deaf demands, a social dialogue which is only the name, obligatory annual negotiations which lead to nothing or almost and therefore all this ends with employees in pain.
“What do we want?” Nothing could be simpler, that respectful and productive negotiations are established, that an increase in value (bonuses and salaries) is seriously considered, that vacant positions are replaced and finally that the collective rights of employees are respected.
“Social dialogue broke down with the change of management. With the former director, editor’s note: Bernard Domart, there was a real dialogue. The negotiations were tough, but at least they were reasoned. The former director knew almost all of us. Today we are dealing with an authoritarian system. The employees don’t want it. The best proof is that today there are at least 130 of us in front of the village hall, half as many as in the room,” say the union representatives.
The CFDT is based on the results of a survey on psychosocial risks on a representative sample. While it turns out that 77% of employees say they have good relationships with their colleagues and that they consider their work useful, 65% believe that their work is not recognized. Worse, 62% are considering changing jobs because of working conditions, remuneration or lack of recognition. Almost everyone complains about not having enough time to accomplish their work. 86% say they exceed their working hours. 65% of employees are not informed of major changes in the company, 57% have not had any training in the last 12 months and 27%, perhaps the worst, consider that working conditions have a impact on their health.
And the staff representatives draw a sad conclusion. In April 2024, an extraordinary meeting of the CSE was called in the face of a refusal to respond to individual and collective complaints.
A referral to the labor inspectorate was made in April 2024.
The list is long, but what seems recurring for unionists is a declining workforce for more than 12 years, an overload of work, increasing work accidents, the appearance of burnout, a vacancy of positions , among others.
The demonstrators could count on the presence of Catherine Dailly, departmental councilor and the mayor of Montataire, Jean-Pierre Bosino, former senator.
“On numerous occasions, I have been informed of the situation of employees. I was the recipient of an anonymous letter too. Although I do not like the process of the anonymous letter, she nevertheless notes that there is a fear of making demands. A large-scale event like this is important to make management aware that they absolutely must bring back social dialogue,” specifies Jean-Pierre Bosino.
Only a few meters away, the vow ceremony continued. “We haven’t met the director yet. We hope that they will come to meet us after the speeches,” hoped the 130 protesting employees. Otherwise… We will have to expect a sequel.
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