
More than thirty brand vehicles Volkswagen paraded. But before that, they were severely chastised by their owners. Saturday December 14, the Bright Christmas Parade went through the cœheart of Compiégnois. An event offered by the store Gas Plant and the association Cox du Matz.
“It’s a demonstration whose origins are to be found in the United States,” said the driver of a red VW adorned abundantly with garlands of yellow LEDs. A country that has a lot of Beetles. Quite naturally, some people had the idea of decorating them for Christmas, a bit like decorating a tree. And now everyone is doing it.”
At its side, a famous Beetle with its rally number “53” recalls that this car was the star of a Walt Disney film, under the affectionate name “Choupette”.
Others have decorated their car with one on the roof, or a snowman. While “Combis”, another remarkable model very popular with Volkswagen enthusiasts, are also part of the party.
The crowds of big evenings in the streets
The big evening crowd was present in the city center of Compiègne along this Christmas night stroll. Enough to satisfy the organizers of this car parade, the Cox du Matz club and the Usine à Gaz. It is to this boutique that we owe the Salon Vintage du Compiégnois, which receives thousands of visitors every year in Le Tigre.
Sandra and Nicolas, the hosts of Usine à Gaz participated. They presented a transport platform on which was perched… an Alouette II helicopter. Without its bulky rotor.
The procession of illuminated cars crossed the city center of Compiègne twice. Before heading towards Venette and Margny-lès-Compiègne.
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