
It’s over for Clermont/Liancourt. The match played at the Walter-Luzi stadium in Chamblythis Saturday, November 30, for the eighth round of the Coupe de France ends in defeat. The FCLC bows against Quevilly-Rouen Métropole (QRM)with a score of 0-1.
The adversaries quickly took precedence over the Isarians. From the 20th minute, QRM, a national club, opened the scoring. He will not move for the rest of the meeting.
First time in the eighth round
However, the Clermont/Liancourt players gave everything during the second half. More offensive, they failed to obtain an equalizer in the 74th minute. But finally, the ball rebounds on the central bar.
The FCLC can, however, be satisfied with this course. After all, it was their very first participation in an eighth round of the Coupe de France. This, after their victory two weeks earlier in Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, against Bretigny. A performance to be repeated next season.
“We didn’t get far”
“We were on a date,” explains Frédéric Juino, president of the FCLCafter the match. “I am very proud of the team, the players and the organization of our volunteers. We brought together 1,340 people in Chambly.”
As for the final result: “We didn’t get far. We score a goal from a mix-up. Maybe we didn’t break free early enough, but we gave them some problems. This makes us progress, we have reached a milestone. We have nothing to be ashamed of our performance.”
There remains only one club from the Oise department in the running. ASBO (Beauvais), plays its eighth round against Boulogne. The match takes place Sunday, December 1, at 1:45 p.m.
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