
There justice orders the dismissal of 16 people in front of the Departmental Criminal Court in the so -called case French Bukkake*. Among the people implicated is in particular the Compiegnois Olivier Lahcen prosecuted for rape on two women.
The case is sprawling. The middle of French x had been shaken by this affair in 2021 with an impressive hit of justice. A dozen people had been heard for “rapes in meeting“Or”human trafficking». A man is at the heart of this scandal: Pascal Ollitraultbetter known in the porn environment under the pseudonym of Pascal op. Around him, gravitate several actors or directors also implicated in this case.
Lahcen continued for allowing two rapes
They are notably accused of having recruited young girls in questionable conditions: by cunning, without telling them the type of sexual acts that they will have to turn, by lying on the name of the platforms where their sequences will be disseminated. The sexual practices suffered by certain actresses are also qualified as violent, too much to the taste of justice.
Among the people heard, Olivier Lahcen (known in the middle of the X under the name of Oliver Sweet) had been indicted and placed in pre -trial detention. Since then, he has left prison. But justice confirms his dismissal to the Departmental Criminal Court. He is prosecuted for rape acts in two victims. This qualification is based on the fact that at least an actress would have turned without giving her consent an undeniable scene, in this case, a double penetration. Note that Olivier Lahcen is not prosecuted to be the author of these rapes, but for having allowed them as director of the criminal sequences.
Accused on two testimonies, deplored Lahcen’s lawyer
In our columns, his lawyer Me Julien Fresnault estimated that the prosecution against his clients “do not hold legally”. “To put it simply, my client is indicted on two testimonies, one of a young woman who does not remember him, and the second, of a young woman who claims that she did not know that She actually turned for the Jacquie & Michel site »detailed the lawyer. In the Pascal OP file, young girls were often promised discreet broadcasts on foreign sites. “He was indicted on these statements alone,” insisted the lawyer.
The lawyer then opposed the personality of his client to that of Pascal Ollitrault. “”Olivier Lahcen does not evolve in the same spheres as Pascal OP ”. “Olivier is a anarchist,, It also shows on his face (he is tattooed, note), it is the exact opposite of Pascal OP who considers that the woman is nothing. “
The “disappointed and shocked” civil parties
The judgment of the investigation chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal “is not up to the file” for the civil parties. This judgment confirms the referral order to the Departmental Criminal Court of 16 of the 17 respondents. The 17th has benefited from a dismissal (actor X Guillaume Filaire, alias Rick Angel, former technical advisor of the former Minister of the Interior Michèle Alliot-Marie). An 18th person is referred to the criminal court for hidden work and laundering of the hidden work of several people.
The victims are disappointed by the judicial institution. “They have the feeling of having been betrayed,” reports Me Lorraine Questiaux, a lawyer representing several women and the associations The Nest Movement, the cheeky and dare feminism.
The civil parties want a referral to the assizes with aggravating circumstances
She deplores that the departmental criminal court be seized. “We would have wanted a trial at the assizes. Because by referring to the departmental criminal court, this no longer allows us as a civil party to raise aggravating circumstances such as torture, racism and sexism. If these circumstances were selected, the Departmental Criminal Court would no longer have competent. It would take an assize court to judge the accused. ”
The lawyer wonders about the “mind -blowing deadline” with which justice rules on this file, insisting on the fact that all the accused who were temporarily detained were released and placed under judicial supervision. “One may wonder if justice lacks means or if it does not take this affair sufficiently seriously. Especially since before the investigation started, it took seven complaints and reports, “annoys Me Lorraine Questiaux.
A cassation appeal
On the bottom of the file, the lawyer regrets the abandonment of aggravating circumstances such as torture, racism or even sexism. “As long as we talk about the drifts of the porn industry to talk about this case, we will not have understood anything about this file. These are ideological crimes, the respondents express their deep contempt for women. They have an anti -social vision of the world. Sexism and racism are also at the heart of intentionality in these crimes. ”
The lawyer announces that she intends to form an appeal in cassation.

Me Lorraine Questiaux continues to reflect further. She would like that specialized assize lessons for sexual crimes only made up of professional magistrates and trained in these questions be set up.
*Bukkake Japanese word which means “splashing water” is a sexual practice during which several men ejaculate on a woman.
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