
After the elections to the Chamber of agriculture fromOisethere Departmental Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FDSEA) and Young farmers (JA) canned there majority. Of the 33 seats, the union organization in the unit 21, six more than in the last elections of 2019.
In the Oise, the number of voters is 17,915. These are divided into 10 colleges.
Here is the college result by college:
- Operating and similar managers: 1 headquarters for the peasant confederation, 2 seats for rural coordination, 15 seats for FDSEA-JA
- Usufruitier owners: 1 headquarters for FDSEA-JA
- Employees of agricultural production: 2 seats for CFTC Federation Agriculture, 1 headquarters for the CFDT Agri-Agro
- Employees of agricultural professional groups: 2 seats for the CFDT Agri-Agro, 1 headquarters for the CGT
- former operators: 1 seat for FDSEA-JA
- Agricultural agricultural production cooperatives: 1 headquarters for CUMA
- Other cooperatives and companies of collective agricultural interest: 3 seats for FDSEA-JA
- Agricultural credit funds: 1 headquarters for agricultural credit
- Agricultural mutual insurance funds and MSA boxes: 1 seat for MSA-Groupama
- Union organizations with a general vocation of farmers or young farmers: 1 headquarters for FDSEA-JA.
An extended majority for FDSEA
So the FDSEA obtains the majority of seats, just like In the last 2019 elections. The agricultural union even sees its extended majority of six seats, when the peasant confederation and rural coordination retains 1 and 2 seats respectively.
In a press release announcing these results, the prefecture of the Oise recalls that elected officials in the Chamber of Agriculture are for a six -year term. They “play a key role in representation, support for the agricultural world and the animation of local dynamics. Directed by members elected for six years, these 10 rooms represent an essential voice for farmers, employees of the sector, or professional groups.
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