
“There are growing needs to ensure the link between care, hospitalization, monitoring, resumption of physical abilities, sport…” indicates the Doctor Carola. Friday December 6 at the town hall, the association Sport Health Oasis handed over a check for €12,604 to the Oise Cancer Leaguechaired by Doctor Elisabeth Carola.
A sum generated by the organization of the race Compiègne in Pinkwhich welcomed 1,500 registrants on the first Sunday in October. Kamel Lejri, president of Oasis, and his vice-president Miloud Zouaoui, presented this sum in the presence of the mayor of Compiègne Philippe Marini. Health sport has developed, he notes. Treating the body and the mind are complementary dimensions.”
Soon a healthy sports house
The duo at the head of this association presented the outlines of the future Maison Sport Santé, for which they received approval. “It’s a project that relies on patronage,” says President Lejri, owner of several MacDonald’s restaurants in the Oise. I have been very successful in my professional life. I now want to give back what life has given me.”
Arriving in France at 18 to study medicine, Kamel Lejri took another path, climbing the ranks of the fast food chain, first in Paris. He then joined Compiègne in 2011, to take care of restaurants in the Oise, among other activities. “Initially, I had a project for a shelter for parents of children suffering from cancer,” he recalls. But it was complicated. And then Miloud told me about the concept of “healthy sports house.”
Miloud Zouaoui, president of the Asptt Compiègne athletics club, is municipal councilor responsible for “sport and health”. “On the one hand, this house will house doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, general practitioners, etc.,” he says. On the other, teachers of adapted physical activity. The aim is to treat people suffering from illness through sport. It will be a question of care, but also of prevention.
“The work will begin at the beginning of 2025,” continues Kamel Lejri. We will be next to the hospital, in the former Office 60 premises.” This involves rehabilitating this 420m² premises, in which the professionals will settle. “We are planning a pool, then a hospital hotel, for people post-hospitalization,” indicates the president of Oasis. The estimate, in Compiégnois, of people suffering from pathologies, is between “between 6000 and 8000”.
Sport, this medicine
The Maison sport Santé will also serve as a link to sports associations, likely to offer suitable physical activity. “The Agglomeration Sports Office (Osarc), to which most sports clubs belong, represents an important breeding ground,” indicates president Philippe Grand. The next Picantins festival (27th edition) will award the prize for “best sports organization of the year” to this Compiègne en Rose race.
“We are at an important moment,” notes Dr. Carola. “There has been considerable progress in around thirty years. We have therapeutic weapons. But it’s not just the drugs. There is also lifestyle, sport, nutrition… Obesity can trigger many diseases. The results of chemotherapy can improve thanks to sport. Writing a prescription for healthy sports is like a prescription for medicine.” Doctor Elisabeth Carola works in supportive oncological care.
The president of the Oise Cancer League also discusses the social consequences of the disease. “Our social commission represents a significant part of the budget,” continues Doctor Carola. There is physical suffering, but also moral and social (financial fear).”

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