
Would Nogent-surOise and Creil have become host lands for the ministers of the new Bayrou government? With two visits planned, one Monday to the Creil hospital and the second the next day, Tuesday January 14 at the Marie Curie high school, suffice to say that the south of the department will be lively in this week where the wishes of the municipalities and these visits collide from high places coming… why already?
Monday: Aurore Bergé
Initially at the Creil hospital, at Ghpso, we are rather happy to welcome Minister Aurore Bergé to introduce her to the health center specific to women. A necessary and essential place in a region hard hit by the employment crisis and precariousness.
The Minister responsible for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination will inaugurate this first health center.
This new space is intended to welcome and support women who are victims of violence and/or faced with situations of psychosocial and medical vulnerability.
Secondly, she will visit the Carrefour de femmes in Creil, a new structure whose mission is to inform, guide and support women, and in particular the youngest, around four main areas: sexual and reproductive health, equality professional and economic, prevention and fight against violence, and personal development.
The minister will meet the family of Shaïna Hansye, a teenager horribly killed in 2019 and who has become the symbol of the defense of the freedom of young girls in the neighborhoods.
And Tuesday… Élisabeth Borne
The next day, Tuesday January 14, it is at the Marie Curie high school that Élisabeth Borne is expected as minister responsible for national education. The former Prime Minister, expected with one or two other government representatives as well as Xavier Bertrand, President of the Region, should “pin down” several business representatives, partners of technical training in Nogent-sur-Oise. For the record, last September, Enedis, the Marie Curie high school, the Hauts-de-France region, Serce, STPEE, National TP Federation, Ineo and Eiffage signed a partnership agreement with the Marie Curie high school in Nogent-sur-Oise with the aim of adapting the training offer to the specific needs of professional partners. A commitment which should therefore be highlighted and welcomed.
The minister will also be able to count on a reception committee upon leaving the establishment. Indeed, like her predecessor, Anne Genetet, who came to visit the Gabriel Havez college in Creil last October, she will have to deal with the unions who have every intention of making their voice heard. On the first line, there should be . The FSU and the SNES, who are already calling for a rally in front of the high school for 6 p.m. They also request an audience with their responsible minister.
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