
The joke is in bad taste… Especially since it falls under the law. A investigation was therefore open after the call of a joker At Creil police stationwho claimed to have killed his wife with a hammer. It was a prank.
This call to the Creil police station dates back to Tuesday, December 3, but was only made public this Friday, December 6 on the Facebook page of the Oise national police. A man called the police headquarters to announce that he had killed his wife with a hammer, before specifying that he wanted to end his life.
6 months firm and 7,500 euros fine incurred
Taken seriously by the police, this call immediately led to the intervention of several police units. When they arrived on site, they could only see that it was a hoax.
This joke in bad taste represents an offense, reminds the Oise national police on its social networks. “The fact of falsely reporting to the judicial or administrative authority facts constituting a crime or misdemeanor which exposed the judicial authorities to useless investigations is punishable by six months’ imprisonment and 7,500 euros of fine. fine.”
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