
“Creil is dirty, the security problems are recurrent, economically I don’t even talk about it. Let’s look at our city center in what state it is. He is deserted. I no longer count closed storefronts. I want residents to be proud to quote the name of their city. All this is the result of decades of municipal management which, instead of gathering and acting, divided, politicized and in the end let Creil sink into his difficulties. ” Well, the tone is set. Noureddine Nachite starts a campaign on the wheel hats.
Behind a Luvrin, the Creillois quickly regained his tribune reflexes.
“It has to change, and it must go through the ballot boxes” evokes with determination Noureddine Nachite who signs his great return to the foreground of Creilloise political life. He has never completely left it this policy since he is still a municipal councilor for opposition in his good old town of 35,000 inhabitants. It is one of the elected officials who regularly collide with the municipal majority. He continuously clashes with Jean-Claude Villemain and has the intention of leading the debate to the one who has taken the reins of the city for a few weeks, Sophie Dhoury-Lehner.
An ambition known to all
Everyone knew that the city councilor displayed the ambition to return to the foreground. But there was a trigger. For Noureddine Nachite, it was simply the game of musical chairs, a transfer of command between the first assistant and the mayor last December to which all elected officials were witnesses.
“When I see how it was orchestrated, I could not do other than to launch my candidacy. I am quite surprised by the number of people present this evening. The idea is to engage a political fight on concrete ideas for the city. To bring together above all ”, the one who already has a substantial political past and who says he has loudly carrying the values that have been transmitted to him in the time of the Chirac presidency, finally feels ready to tip the city in another perspective, another policy .
“I want to attack the system in place”
“I like viscerally people and I want to put the role of politics at the heart of concerns with a motto: serve and not to use.
I want us to talk about youth, I want us to talk about employment, economic development, security, social too. All these words can go together without problem. I want to attack a system, today is a launch but I want the best for my city. That we stop congratulating ourselves to be the 7th poorest city in France in 2013 and in 11th place in 2024 ”tackles the opponent.
He continues: “Let’s make a brief calculation: this figure is eloquent, it is 2,000 additional people, or 14,500 Creillois who live under the poverty line in 2024 in Creil!”
There are also events that have marked spirits like the Olympic Games. Nureddine Nachite notes that during the passage of the Olympic flame, certain streets of the city were clean. “The Creillois are entitled to have a clean city every day and not only during an event”.
Then on topical issues: “I see that the mayor tells us that she became aware that security was a concern of Creillois … well it was time but what does she offer? Weekly meetings with the commissioner and the firefighters. It is also strange that they did not exist before! It also offers the creation of new positions to the municipal police. Very good, but how much? Two ! This is Sophie Lehner’s ambition in terms of security.
“You need at least nine additional municipal police officers”
The majority offer two positions while proportionally, it would be as much as in Beauvais and Compiègne. Between 9 and 15 additional positions would therefore be necessary, “says Noureddine Nachite who offers a simple and fast measurement: the restoration of public lighting. “This extinction measure taken by the municipal majority under cover of energy sobriety only increases acts of incivility and the feeling of insecurity among our fellow citizens”.
“Since the united aspect is also mentioned, it can be said that Creillois and Creilloises are united. It’s great, but this solidarity is too often made complicated by a municipal majority that politicizes everything, making the task of associations far too complicated.
The inhabitants are entitled to have close elected officials and who support them without compensation when the causes are correct, ”continues the initiator of Creil at the heart.
The objective is clearly to bring together all political ideas. “We do not ask you to deny your political convictions, but simply to put them aside for a greater and fairer cause for the future of our city and its inhabitants”.
Nureddine Nachite can be clear as the great unifying of political sensitivities. We are here to listen, to work and to act. We will meet the inhabitants, traders, associations, young people, elders and all those who bring this city to life. Together, we will establish an honest and realistic diagnosis of the situation, ”promises the initiator of Creil at the heart.
And then at the same time, Noureddine Nachite believes “not to be essential”. “I launch the movement but if tomorrow someone better than me can take the reins, I will follow him without hesitation.”
In any case, this launch is successful, in the heart of Creil with many listeners (70 to 80) interested in what is presented as a “message of hope”.
In the audience, we could meet Sylvie Duchatelle, also a municipal LR opposition councilor. “I am invited and I come to listen to. It’s a good thing that the opposition is starting now. This will allow us to approach real subjects on the length, ”evokes the elected official, also opponent of the municipal majority.
We can also meet Brahim Belmhand, who establishes a simple observation. “It is enough to see in what state is our city to say that it is necessary to wake up,” expresses the man who has already sat in municipal council between 2014 and 2020. He says “Having never lost his desire to invest for its city and its inhabitants ”.
Among the listeners, there are friends, athletes, entrepreneurs, elected officials therefore. All have in common the same desire to change things, to have the current majority of the left led to the capitulation of the left, led until 2024 by Jean-Claude Villemain and since early 2025 by Sophie Dhoury-Lehner.
For Creil at the heart, this is a launch, of course, but as much to say that the debates that promise to be fiercely disputed. After all, it is the characteristic of democracy, a sign of good health of political life, in the noble sense of the term.
To be continued …

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