
COMMENT. Announced for months as the impartial justice of the peace in the quarrel “which of Patrick Deguise or Sandrine Dauchelle plunged the city of Noyon in the financial slump?”, The report of the report of the report of the report of the report Regional chamber of accounts Delivered his verdict. It is available on our site. A report seriously questioning the policy and choices of the current LR mayor of Noyon, Sandrine Dauchellewhich obviously did not please him. She answered it in a surreistic way, pushing the room, according to our information, to ask Sandrine Dauchelle to rephrase her observations.
Building in context. The document we publish, published in September 2024 and entitled “Definitive observations report”, had given rise to controversy at the end of last year. By affirming that the CRC had completed its work, and that the report should therefore be presented before the end of the year to the debate in public session, we had heard the executive Noyonnais accuse our newspaper of “Fake News”. Foreign, the president of the CRC then wrote: “The report accompanied by the answers has not yet been transmitted to the municipality”. It was necessary to read between the lines: the report had been arrested by the room since December, but the responses of the mayor Dauchelle no.
The report we disseminate is actually not exactly the one that will be presented in council soon. If the work of the magistrates should (we remain cautious), which has remained unchanged, the response (“observations”) of Sandrine Dauchelle will be different from that presented in our version of the report. According to a source close to the file, by responding late to the CRC and especially by presenting completely out -of -subject observations, the mayor forced the Chamber to repel the publication of her work, in particular to allow Sandrine Dauchelle to formulate new observations. The version of the mayor’s observations that we publish would never have been made public. The version which will be presented later in council will be dated December 2024
“No fault”: the usual arguments
This first response from the mayor of Noyon to the CRC magistrates will not surprise many people. She takes up the strategies deployed there for months/years, especially when she still denied the city’s financial situation. In essence: “It is not my fault, the opposition did everything to make me fail, the situation of the city was too calamitous”. And too bad if the CRC report does not say the same thing. Sandrine Dauchelle also allows herself to question the probity of the room, some innuendo not supported on the previous team and some lies.
It is with a questioning of the magistrates that the mail of Sandrine Dauchelle begins. “It is harmful that during the previous city control for the 2011 and following exercises, the Court did not audit the governance of the former executive, as it does in this report,” she writes. On several occasions, she underlines that the CRC has put more zeal in the last control than in all the previous ones. Recall that Sandrine Dauchelle has been mayor since 2020. She had succeeded PS Patrick Deguise. This control relates to the period 2018-2020. Previous checks are available On the Hauts-de-France CRC website.
The mayor then calls into question the quality of the CRC work and certain “excessive” recommendations which “not corresponding to reality”. “In disagreement” with the presentation of the financial situation of the Chamber, she believes that the magistrates have bothered the job by not taking into account the exceptional context of recent years, whether it is the health crisis or the explosion of price of materials and energy ”. The CRC which works all year round on community budgets affected by these two phenomena, has obviously “taken into account” these factors. A paragraph also analyzes the increase in energy prices in Noyon. The magistrates criticize the mayor for having lacked anticipation.
No “conflict of interest” but “ambiguities”
Although in disagreement on the analysis made about the “excessive appeal” of the city of Noyon to external providers, Sandrine Dauchelle ensures – a paradox? – want to remedy it by “putting an end to certain contracts and certain services”. While the CRC raised here possible conflicts of interest, it is interesting to note that for the mayor, it is only “ambiguities”.
Obviously embarrassed by these possible conflicts of interest, the mayor Dauchelle engages in a surreal explanation: these conflicts of interest “are not in reality”, they are due to the old team which caused “a climate of uncertainty “, which found a” bone to consume “and was” ready to do anything to destroy local democracy “. For what ? Because the old majority was convinced that Sandrine Dauchelle was going to “discover irregularities in the old management”. We summarize: If Sandrine Dauchelle may have been guilty of conflicts of interest, it is because Patrick Deguise undoubtedly himself committed in the era of the reprehensible facts. And why did CRC never see anything about it? Because it has not sought as well. What is called an accusing reversal.
Throughout her response, in endless digressions, Sandrine Dauchelle thus spends more time evoking the management of previous municipalities, than responding to the technical arguments of the Chamber. Totally ignoring the observations of the room. An example: debt. Despite the demonstration of the room that, during the change of team in 2020 the debt was “important”, but “bearable, the mayor ignores the expertise of the financial magistrates:” I inherited a record more debt From 29 million euros upon my arrival, ”she limits herself to repeat.
She does not forget either, it would be almost funny if it was not serious, to recall that she is “the first woman mayor” of Noyon, inducing a misogynist of her opponents.
Cornered on technical questions, Sandrine Dauchelle answers: “I was stolen my chair”
The rest of the mail also offers a few pieces of bravery. She who worked to try to reduce the exercise of local democracy to the strict minimum (limitation of speech of oppositions, prohibition of certain debates, end of public broadcasts of the advice on the web, diverted use of the city’s media For political ends …) it evokes a “violation of the republican tradition of peaceful transfer of power”, in 2020. She even accuses the old team of having … stole the mayor’s office. We are far from financial analysis.
It still appears from the mayor’s observations that only several times, she does not hesitate to blame her agents. The day she made the city pay for its own legal costs and its fine? This is because his administration suffered “from a lack of information”. The “abusive” appeal according to the CRC to external companies to make the budget or municipal newspapers? This is because the town hall did not have internal skills. Or because some positions were vacant. Sandrine Dauchelle pretended here to ignore that some agents left because they no longer wanted to work with her, denouncing her policy and her methods. Or after being pushed outside. She also pretends to ignore that in recent years there have never been as many agents in the city of Noyon as since she has been mayor.
A letter dotted with lies
Finally, the mayor split a few lies. We have already pointed out, when she claims that she did not know Emmanuel Espanol to whom she entrusted certain juicy contracts: he was actually before that her campaign director for the 2020 elections. When she then claims that Under Patrick Deguise, from 2018 to 2020, the technical, or hygiene committees or the CHSTs were not organized: the mayor is available to these committees, and the reports …
Sandrine Dauchelle’s conclusion illustrates the level of denial well so she shows. Although fell in her corner by an independent body, she completes: “It is with gravity and the sense of responsibility that the current majority decided to face all the problems generated by the former mayor”. So nothing is his fault.
“It is not in three years (…) that the municipality could straighten the alarming financial situation of Noyon,” she adds. But it was in three years that she knew how to plunge her into abyss never explored before. It is not the opposition that says it, not even the media, but the regional chamber of accounts of Hauts-de-France.
Come now in a few weeks, perhaps at the end of February, to discover the revised response of Sandrine Dauchelle.
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