
The news fell like a clap of thunder, a stab in the country of Oise and Halatte. The vice-president of the Ccpoh, and mayor of Les Ageux died on the night of December 27 to 28.
He died at his home in Les Ageux during the night. Originally from the North, Éric Warlouzet arrived in Oise in 1994. From 2001 to 2014, he was deputy mayor of the commune of Les Ageux and community councilor. In 2008, he became vice-president in charge of regional planning, more particularly SCOT adopted in 2011, but also communication, new technologies and GIS. In 2020, he was still at the head of this skill, making him a specialist in his territory. Recently and following the death of Jean-François Goyard (vice-president of the Ccpoh and mayor of Rhuis) last August, he agreed with pleasure to take over the tourism delegation of the intercommunality. He was passionate about the many projects that will be implemented in the months and years to come.
Unfortunately, fate will have decided otherwise.
“This news saddens me terribly. After the death of Jean-François Goyard, it is now that of Éric Warlouzet. My first words are obviously addressed to Eric’s loved ones. They can count on our support during this ordeal. Eric was a deeply humanist man, in full capacity, who took his missions at Ccpoh very seriously. He was a very fine man, of remarkable intelligence and gifted with a unique, lively humor,” recalls the president of the Community of Communes of Pays d’Oise et d’Halatte, Arnaud Dumontier.
But Éric Warlouzet was also the mayor of his commune of Les Ageux. He particularly liked this function and above all wanted to preserve the spirit of the village by emphasizing measured development. He was proud of the opening of an additional class a few years ago. “We stick to the needs of those administered. This is our role and we do it at our own pace, without making noise but we want to do it efficiently,” the chief magistrate of the commune confided to our editorial staff some time ago.
And then, there was another very important moment for the mayor. That of traditional wishes to the population. “An opportunity to report on the work accomplished and to discuss with everyone,” Eric Warlouzet liked to say.
Suffice to say that those of 2025 will have a bitter taste in the town. As for those of the intercommunality, the president wonders whether or not such a ceremony will be held following the death of two of the principal deputies of the intercommunality during this year 2024.

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