
After having paid a vibrant tribute and having pointed out a minute of silence in memory of the two vices presidents who died in the exercise of their duties during the year 2024, namely Jean-François Goyard and Eric Warlouzet, it’s towards Of the 240 CCPOH agents that were formed by the wishes of President Arnaud Dumontier.
“I want to salute the personal commitment of agents who work daily in services that are essential for the whole population of the seventeen municipalities adherent to the CCOPH. We naturally think of early childhood staff. Agents who get up early and that we regularly meet in the field with Marie-Virginie Paul.
“How not to be admiring before the work of maintenance agents, Nathalie, Ruth, Evelyn, Carine, Aminata, Valérie, Aurore, Noémie, Stéphanie, Danièle, Patricia, Valérie, Sandrine, Lætitia, Loïc, Dominique, Magalie, Karine, , Pakita, Nathalie, Alpha Mariam and Sylvie, who get up early in the morning, who perform one of the most difficult task in the territorial public service, a repetitive task that uses, an invisible task that is unfortunately not often recognized , who best prepare our working conditions, and who fade when we arrive?
How not to be admiring in front of the work accomplished by Mary at the Ribambelle crèche, by Noémie at the peanut pirouette crèche, by Anne-Céline at the crèche les Puppets, by Caroline at the crèche les frogs, by Angélique at the roaming height Who must, she and her team, also do handling at each site trip on site, and by Justine, to the family crèche to which she gives an unprecedented dynamic knowing for the first time integrating them into a collective approach. Our crèche directors and all of their teams are with parents, on the way to parenting, in what they have most precious: their young children!
There are even some agents who push their professionalism, their commitment, who believe so much in what they do that they develop other skills, such as Sonia for sign language or like Eve for children who suffer from cognitive disorders .
Me, when I hear this, I say that you have to accompany them, value them. These agents are real nuggets for our CCPOH, ”says Arnaud Dumontier in front of all hearing assistance.
It is true that several of them were also rewarded with the medal of honor communal honor representing 20 to 30 years in the various services of the CCPOH. The trade union organizations were also welcomed, thanked.
“I salute the union representations with which we work in close collaboration, but I would however like to recall that a mandate is not an except led to do anything”.
The message has passed, understands who can, but in the audience, everyone personally analyzes these words.
The evening idea was also to recall the presence on the ground of agents, personal and elected officials.
Proximity above all
“In the profession which is mine, in national gendarmerie, there is an expression that I particularly like and which reflects the human presence well, because public policies, they are first embodied by women and men, by you.
My colleagues, my “comrades” as they say in the national gendarmerie, speak indeed of “the footprint” … Or the capacity of the military to be present on the ground … The reality is that the footprint of the agents of the agents of the CCPOH is deployed on the 17 cities and villages of our territory ”
What does the president ask? Concrete and targeted work on needs.
Intercommunality alongside villages
“The CCPOH is everywhere present … and I want to hammer it: not against the municipalities, not in place of the communes.
Here, I want as proof the liabilities that we are referring concerning the exercise of extracurricular competence … and let’s tell the truth, it is more than a passive, it is a total illegality in which the CCPOH has been in almost two decades for its member municipalities for almost two decades and that rotted our relations.
Here, I want as proof that never, our CCPOH has gone so far in the support of municipalities, especially financial which is, as everyone knows, the nerve of war and we have even established a device which is now copied by other intermunicipalities.
Reinforced allocations
“We have indeed created, on the one hand, an allocation of 200,000 euros and even a little more this year, for the financing of small files, and we have created, on the other hand, a community fund for the financing of Major files, nearly 132,000 euros for the municipal building in Angicourt, part of which will be made available to the CCPOH as part of its extracurricular competence.
It had simply never been done before, “says the president who specifies at the same time that” when we try to climb to each other, I always said it from the start and my position is constant: I have no opposition to what we ask the question of the belonging of a municipality to the CCPOH.
I see a great advantage: this will make it possible to objectify whether the CCPOH costs more than it relates to a municipality and if really a municipality has an interest in living in isolation of our CCPOH ”.
CCPOH membership: an open subject
Arnaud Dumontier therefore evokes the question of membership in the CCPOH. “” This is a question on which I am completely serene and open and I think you have to go after its courage and not be satisfied with Rodomontades … If one of us thinks, indeed , that belonging to the CCPOH is worse than to suffer the 10 wounds of Egypt, do not forces us to live together … me, I would not want anyone but I know what the truth is, “insists the president.
An innovative economic vision
Economically, the community of communes is innovative. As proof, the realization of the commercial area Les Cornoulliers de Sacy-le-Grand which, barely over, would already be in balance. It has eight hectares of activity zone, is equipped with optical fiber. In short, the brands are seduced by proximity N31, RD 1017 and the A1 motorway.
Culture and its manekin
And then there are major projects to come like that of the total renovation of the manekine. This will be an important event for the territory.
“We will validate the project soon, but we wish it to the dimension of the CCPOH. We want a manekin to standards, of course, well isolated, pleasant, with a gauge on a human scale ”. One main objective too: do not engage intercommunality in a disproportionate cost.
Finally, in a few words that could be remembered from President Dumontier’s speech.
So the action continues.

Before going to the glass of friendship, the medalists of the year and retirements were highlighted as it was. Suffice to say that on the side of the crèche, and early childhood, the recipients were warmly applauded. It was Christelle Chalot, Nathalie Reby and Isabelle Wirbel. It was also a question of greeting two retirements, namely Evelyne Frenoy and Brigitte Richard.
They have received a floral medals and composition respectively, but above all, respect for everyone for their work and their commitment.

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