
“This is a development of our brand,” explains Kevin Cooper. This one is the head of the agency My Major Domcompanyhome helpopen to Compiègnesince Monday November 18.
The first My Major Dom agency was created in Beauvais, created by Mickaël Dubuis at n°4 rue Henri Greber, in September 2021
At n°29 place du Change, the concept is the same: the home help service for the elderly, people losing their autonomy or those with disabilities.
“It’s about support for social life,” explains Kévin Tonnelier. Mainly help with daily life tasks, making and accompanying medical appointments, etc. Our added value is that we have a single caregiver dedicated to a beneficiary. Two at most, if it’s seven days a week. And at the same times.”
If in fact, it is the beneficiary who pays the worker’s salary, it is the agency which takes care of everything. Whether it concerns schedules, calendars, services, administrative acts… “We are complete agents,” says Kevin Tonnelier.
Two hundred beneficiary families per agency
The Beauvais agency employs 55 workers (this is a predominantly female profession) for 115 families, within a 15km radius. “It will be the same operation in Compiègne,” indicates the manager. We will limit ourselves to 200 families per agency to maintain a quality offer.”
“It’s up to us to make ourselves known to health professionals, the Maison de solidarité et santé, the CCAS… lists the agency manager. In Beauvais, the department sends us beneficiaries. And word of mouth works.”
A third agency is already planned in Chantilly.
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