Mayor Philippe Marini gives a small speech before the meal.
“It is a first that will be a success, since we have the plan to open a second production canteen at the Charles-Faroux school.” In the meantime, it is the cuisine of Royallieu School What will the mayor of Compiègne. Wednesday, January 29, Philippe Marini invited Jean-Paul Obellianne, academy inspector, academic director of the National Education Services of Oise, to a lunch in the children of the airy centers. No adult menu, but a meal like half-boarders. As a starter, homemade mayonnaise mayonnaise cauliflower, in Bolognese spaghetti resistance dish and coconut pineapple pie dessert.
With school affairs assistant Sophie Schwarz and the assistant to the municipal work and buildings, they visited the premises, completely transformed to become a 400 meals production site About: 250 on site and 140 delivery in neighboring schools.
A chef from chef Sylvain PERNA
The city recruited Sylvain Perna, a graduate and experienced chef. Also a trainer, this children’s catering professional worked in the Charles-de-Gaulle, Arthur-Rimbaud de Ribécourt and Marie-Curie high schools in Nogent-sur-Oise. To prove himself, he had to prepare five cold sauces, which he made the recruiters taste.
With him, in the school restaurant of the Royallieu school, Laurence Boucher, manager of the warming, and six agents, take care of the service. In December, Sylvain Perna sent his teams in immersion two days per group of two, within the production canteen of Margny-lès-Compiègne.
Production of agency meals provided for in all canteens
Since January 2025, the city of Compiègne is gradually implemented its program under the production of the canteen meal production. “The Royallieu school welcomes the first canteen that can really be called a school restaurant,” says Mayor Philippe Marini.
The Royallieu School is indeed the first to benefit from this new system, with the ability to prepare up to 400 meals a day for its students, as well as for those of Hersan (CM1 and CM2) and Pompidou schools, including Kindergartens.
146,000 euros of work to transform a canteen into a school restaurant
In 2026, the Faroux school cuisine will also enter, with a production capacity of 800 meals per day. These meals will be distributed to the 3 schools of the school group as well as to Saint-Lazare schools (elementary and maternal), wild stone (primary) Jeanne d’Arc, Hersan (CP, CE1, CE2).
Other school restaurants, such as Philéas Lebesgue, Augustin Thierry and Hélène Brault, will gradually follow, “allowing the city to reach total autonomy in the production of school meals”.
To accommodate this new service, the City has carried out on a controller (with studies) € 21,786 including tax in the building and purchased the necessary equipment up to € 124,605 including tax.
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