
“I saw two people running after a high school student and placing him on the ground.” A fight in front of the Sévigné Institute panicked the parents who attended it, rue de la Sous-Préfecture in CompiègneThursday January 23. Informed of this Setting of accounts between high school studentsthe Compiègne prosecutor’s office has diligent an investigation.
A student mother describes a punitive expedition. “A student found himself blocked by a vehicle,” she says. Once he was placed on the ground, he shouted “I’m sorry”. Then he said he had a sore leg. ” When he left, he kicked the buttocks.
“I warned you,” said one of the assaults on her victim. Passers -by breathed in tear gas, used in this fight.
High school students expected out
“This is a dispute that arose in the afternoon between a high school student and two others, from Creillois, also put in Sévigné, comments Commissioner François Vincenti. The latter two told him that they were waiting for him at the exit. ” The police have surveillance images on this brawl. Alerted, the young man’s family came on the spot in stride.
“There was indeed confusion, which generated stir, recognizes the commissioner, during this fight. The bac (anti-crime brigade) intervened. There has not been any arrest, for the moment. ” The commissioner intended to reassure the head of the establishment. The police are awaiting a possible ITT (total incapacity for work) pronounced by a doctor.
Philippe Marini, mayor of Compiègne, was there at the time of the brawl. “He is a student taken to task by students of the same class,” he says. The establishment will solve this internal problem. “
Saturday, November 25, the establishment that welcomes kindergarten students to BTS is organizing an “open house” morning.
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