
“It’s the Pope Francis who took the initiative of Fratello days», confide the volunteers of the Catholic Relief. The team of Compiègne participated on Saturday November 16 in this event, renaming it “Brotherhood Day”.
“The objective is to awaken everyone and encourage us to take a look at precariousness and poverty,” explains Guy Coquerelle, head of Secours catholique, in the presence of Claire Vasseur, president of the Oise delegation.
Guy Coquerelle puts forward “speaking” figures. “In 2020, we received 20 to 25 people here,” he recalls. In 2024, 55 to 65 beneficiaries will use our premises on rue Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours in Compiègne.” With the approval of the prefecture, Secours catholique can provide an address to the homeless. “They can receive their mail here,” continues Guy Coquerelle. Which represents an essential point of contact for administrative procedures.” In 2020, there were 150 people at the address. There are 520 of them today!
“Here, there is humanity,” insists Guy Coquerel. The Secours catholique location is open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Every day, visitors can enjoy breakfast. They also benefit from luggage storage to keep their personal belongings safe. But also a laundromat. And above all, support. “We don’t just do distribution,” explains Guy Coquerelle. The sixty regular volunteers provide this support in the steps to be taken. “Which is sometimes difficult with the generalization of dematerialization. This help is also welcome for migrants.”
We are poor on less than €555 per month
This meeting between volunteers and those who need help was at the center of this fraternal day. The members of the Arche took care of the logistics, in particular for the organization of the shared meal, during which the Scouts of France did “their BA”, by peeling the vegetables and preparing the dishes. “They even came with their equipment,” greets the manager of the Compiègne team. Volunteers from the parish were also there.
Stands offered a mini-flea market with linen, books and clothes. For four years, this day has been welcome in the face of the distress of some. “Extreme poverty is official when you receive less than €555 per month,” recalls Guy Coquerel.
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