
“However, I am not violent,” insists Vincent Vanwincqbefore going to prison for a year. This 21-year-old man appeared in court for struck Ali, on August 21 around 7:30 p.m. at Saint-Germain Park in Compiègne. “I pushed him, he fell, got up… sums up the defendant. He got on guard, I gave him a left and a “little kick when he was on the ground.”
Why this aggression? Because the victim allegedly showed her penis to her sister-in-law and her children, aged 10 and 6. Vincent did not witness this alleged exhibition, but went to the scene after his brother’s call Clement Vanwincq.
This one, aged 23, appears for complicity. “I didn’t hit him because my brother put him on the ground,” he explains. However, the prosecution believes that he should have intervened instead of encouraging him.
Both brothers should have called the police. Which they didn’t do. Instead, they find themselves in the dock. The victim was prescribed 45 days of total incapacity for work (ITT) for the fracture of a wrist bone, a broken nose, a fallen tooth and head trauma.
The complainant involved in two fights on the same day”
“he was already damaged everywhere,” says Vincent Vanwincq. He must surely have had other troubles.” The defendant, in pre-trial detention, considers that he cannot be solely responsible for such injuries “for only two blows”. “I weigh fifty kilos” he recalls.
Indeed, there is a third defendant in this case. Mama Sako39, whose address is at Café smile in Compiègne, also “tangled” with the victim. Three hours earlier, he admitted to having slapped him twice.
“I was at Saint Germain Park with a friend,” he says. Ali came to see us: “Where have you been?” He urinated in front of us on the bench. I left but he came back towards me, near the Auchan car park. He put the tip of his key to punch me. I slapped him twice. The Auchan security guard separated us.”
“A witness speaks of a massacre”
“I was punched by a black guy nicknamed Mam’s,” says Ali. “Yes, Mam’s, it’s me,” confirms Mama Sako. But I didn’t throw any punches. When he drinks, this gentleman is a little aggressive.” Mam’s hadn’t been to Compiègne for some time. “I was incarcerated,” he explains.
Video surveillance, with the help of witnesses, will make it possible to identify the Vanwincq brothers, known to the courts. “And you still attack him, even though he is on the ground…” notes the court. “I pushed him from behind, I hadn’t seen the state of his face,” he explains. And he immediately put himself on guard. I hit him twice and my brother Clément did nothing.”
This is not what the witnesses saw, one speaking of a “massacre”, recalls the president. “At the time, I didn’t think about it, I regret,” continues Vincent Vanwincq. I pushed him, he started to fight.” “You are aware that you cannot take justice into your own hands,” insists the court. For his part, Clément Vanwincq regrets not having been able to reason with his brother. “I regret, but sometimes we have no choice,” says Vincent. Despite the severity of the injuries, he assures that his blows were not strong.
The very blurry version of the victim
“There were at least five of them, in an organized gang,” the victim said. I was pretty drunk, sitting on the bench. I had a black hole. No way to defend myself.” He only remembers a scene of violence while the court judges the one concerning Mam’s, then that, three hours later, of the Vanwincq brothers. It’s very vague. “It was Mr. Sako who attacked me first,” continues Ali Akturk. The two brothers hit me for a quarter of an hour…”
“When you are drunk, are you aggressive? asks the court. Did you show your penis? “No, in the state I was in… he says. There were two more people with them. I was attacked at the same time by everyone.”
“Why did they attack you, then?” asks the victim Maître Chloé Tourre, who defends the Vanwincq brothers. “I don’t know, maybe they’re “racial”.” Burst of laughter in the room. A member of the Vanwincq clan must leave the audience.
Vincent Vanwincq fought again in the street at the end of October
Vincent Vanwincq appears for other violence, against a man named Quentin, on October 26 in the street in Compiègne. “Quentin came towards me, aggressive,” summarizes Vincent. He had lent his bike to some girls but they didn’t give it back to him. He thought I was responsible because I had talked with them. Afterwards, he wanted to fight. I won and he filed a complaint.”
Vincent Vanwincq does not specify that he took the phone from her hands. “He wanted to call the police… he explains. But if he jumped on me, it was because of the bike.” “The fight is mainly because of the telephone…”, replies the court. “In all, Quentin, I hit him more than Ali and he was not at all in the same state. So it’s not me who gave him 45 days of ITT.”
The three defendants have criminal records
Mama Sako has fourteen mentions in her criminal record, including theft and violence. This episode is an accident beyond his control, knowing that he is making efforts to reintegrate. He would like to be a farrier.
Clément Vanwincq has seven mentions, notably for theft and drug use. Vincent has thirteen convictions: theft, damage to property, drugs, etc. He was going to wear an electronic bracelet due to a revocation of suspended sentence.
“Currently, I do nothing,” said the latter. But I am registered with several temporary employment agencies and reintegration organizations. Since 2022, I have no problem. He wouldn’t have shown his penis, I wouldn’t have touched him… A real human doesn’t have to do that.”
“Particularly serious facts”, recalls the prosecutor
“It’s always nice to hear that we’ve been debating a ‘small problem’ for two hours,” said the prosecutor. It’s particularly serious.”
Concerning Mama Sako: “He gave blows which could have left traces, which were themselves noted by the Vanwincq brothers. He didn’t go in with the back of the spoon. He hit before he was hit. So it’s not self-defense. He is not responsible for 45 days of ITT, but for part of this ITT. It is up to your court to assess it.” It requires a fine of €100 and 120 hours of community service (TIG) or a €1,500 fine, if non-compliance within eighteen months.
About Vincent Vanwincq. “He will have done everything to us in this audience: disempowerment and insensitivity. A kick to the head is extremely serious. He can’t tell us he didn’t know. Knowing that the victim was already on the ground. Why didn’t he call the police to report a sexual exhibition? He takes justice into his own hands and his justice is severe!” She considers him just as responsible for the violence against Quentin.
“There is an inability on his part to understand why he is being questioned about his violence,” says the prosecutor. This shows a certain danger.” It requires three years, including twelve months with probationary suspension for two years.
Against Clément Vanwincq, tried for complicity: “He lets it happen when he could have opposed it. “I wanted to hit him but my brother was faster so I let it happen,” he summarized. He should have thought twice about it.” It requires two years, including one year with probationary suspension for two years, with a farm part that can be converted.
“They didn’t have an adequate reaction”
Maître Sabine Thoma-Brunière defends Mama Sako. “The municipal police would have called in the national police if the injuries of the civil party were so serious,” she pleads. In front of the Auchan store, the security guard arrived and everyone went their separate ways. What to blame on whom? This is the complexity of this file. This violence with 45 days of ITT cannot be done to my client alone. There is only one incident of violence in his record, which dates back twenty years.”
Maître Chloé Tourre defends the Vanwincq brothers. “Either they didn’t have the appropriate reaction. Nothing says that other people did not intervene between the two fights. She pleads for the release in favor of Clément Vanwincq, pointing out the “weakness of the prosecution”. “You do not have formal proof that Clément committed violence.”
“Sexual exhibition is not characterized, according to the public prosecutor, the defense is surprised. But we didn’t listen to them. We cannot blame them for this unconducted investigation.”
Court sentences
The court reclassifies the facts as “violence less than eight days” for Mama Sako. He is fined €100 and 70 hours of TIG (or €1000 fine if non-compliance within eighteen months).
Clément Vanwincq receives a twelve-month probationary suspension for two years, with work obligation, ban on contact from appearing in front of Ali’s home.
Vincent Vanwincq receives three years in prison, including two years suspended on probation for two years. He is obliged to work, receive psychological and addictological care, and is prohibited from contacting the two victims and appearing at their homes. He goes straight back into detention.
The court will address the victim’s claims at a virile interests hearing in January 2025.
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