
Marie-Charlotte Holderbaum18 years old, is the first candidate declared at the election of the Queen of Lily of the Valley 2025. Born November 6, 2006 in Compiègneshe lives in Choisy-au-Bac.
It is the Terre Colorée hair salon which presents it.
Currently in her final year at the Jean Paul II high school, she is planning to become a customer service manager.
She enjoys photoshoots, reading, sports, taking care of animals and shopping. And she practices bodybuilding.
Election Saturday March 29
Election night takes place Saturday March 29 at Espace Jean-Legendre at 8:30 p.m. Candidates must send their application file before Tuesday March 18, 2025.
Information from Corinne Valère at or Julie Bourlet at
The Compiègne article. Marie-Charlotte Holderbaum, candidate n°1 for the Queen of Lily of the Valley 2025 appeared first on Oise Hebdo.
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