“THE Victory Meeting Center will reopen its doors in may», declared Philippe Marini, mayor of Compiègne, during his wishes. The equipment will have closed almost a year and a half, for rehabilitation complete: modernization, soundproofing, energy loss, etc.
The opportunity for his deputy Nicolas Leday to take stock of the construction sitewhich he visits every Tuesday. In the places where the workers are busy, users of the municipal hall are on location. This is the case of Patrick Verrier, organizer of the Antiques, Flea Market and Crafts Fair, the last two editions of which were held at the Saint-Nicolas rooms. “The configuration will be different,” notes the antique dealer. This visit allows me to draw the plan of my and the location of the exhibitors.
Dance associations are also very concerned, with the disappearance of tiles in favor of resin. “The floor has to slide,” comments deputy Nicolas Leday, an expert, although more accustomed to nightclubs. These site visits are an opportunity to reassure users. As he speaks, Nicolas Leday has just chosen the color of the future bar, still located at the entrance on the right.
A private ice rink in the 1970s
This building was a private ice rink in the 1970s. When the city acquired the equipment, the ice rink gave way to a resin rink, before turning it into a multifunction room.
This aging building benefits from the National Urban Renewal Agency (Anru) program. From which the Anne-Marie-Vivé social center benefited. And which will benefit the Charles-Faroux school group (which will host a school restaurant) and the Puy du Roy center (deadline 2027-28).
The sum of 3 million euros including tax is necessary for the renovation of the Victoire Meeting Center. “We made Gruyère cheese,” describes Nicolas Leday. That is to say, we left the walls and the frame.”
Less nuisance
“We created a double airlock, like in nightclubs (editor’s note: what did we say about Nicolas Leday and nightclubs), explains the elected official. This helps reduce noise pollution when people smoke.” There will be an airlock at the entrance and an airlock at the emergency exits.
The meeting center will have changing rooms. The step that separated the room from the bar has disappeared. Everything is now on one level, accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM).
New rooms will allow equipment to be stored (tables and chairs). “Before, it was along the walls,” recalls Nicolas Leday, who describes a “removable stage, to allow events with exhibitors”. “We looked at what was being done elsewhere,” explains the elected official who, when he organized fairs, visited many cities. The stage was my job.”
New kitchens
In addition to the new modern toilets, the room will have real kitchens, “not just for heating”. Useful equipment for large event caterers. “There will be an entrance for food and an exit for waste, as in our canteens and in restaurants worthy of the name.”
Energy savings
In terms of energy savings, the building will have heating pipes, a thermal power plant and air treatment. The walls benefit from new insulation (installed externally). On the roof there will be photovoltaic panels. This greatly weighs down the structure and requires reinforcing the frame, in glued laminated wood (like the covered Insep stadium). It will be possible to regulate LED lighting, with light variators (dimmers).
Nicolas Leday shows a shared room for the associations which have their headquarters there, like the Friends of the Victoire district. They will have a side entrance, independent of the room, with reserved premises and toilets. “There will be no need for a guard to open, and fewer agents will be needed thanks to the removable stage, which limits personnel management and therefore operating costs,” indicates Nicolas Leday. The associations will have independent premises and sanitary facilities.