
Eléonore Bue22 years old, domiciled in Compiègneis the second candidate declared to the election of 2025 lily of the valley.
Presented by the Gertrude restaurant, La Demoiselle is in a 5th year of engineering school in chemistry at ESCOM. She would like to become a QHSE engineer (quality, hygiene, safety, environment).
She likes travel, watercolor, pastry and walks, music from the 1980s and current music.
Marie-Charlotte Holderbaum, domiciled in Choisy-au-Bac, is the first candidate to have completed her application.
The election evening takes place on Saturday March 29 at Espace Jean-Legendre at 8:30 p.m. Registrations are still underway, until Tuesday, March 18.
The Compiègne article. Eléonore Bue, candidate n ° 2 to the 2025 lily of the lily of the valley appeared first on Oise Hebdo.
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