
“I will try to keep my calm. I took my medication. I will answer all questions, good and bad … ”Daniel Marchand, 43, reassures the court, before his trial death threats with a knifeagainst his partner.
Facts that occurred in October at his home to Compiègnein the presence of his partner therefore. But also in the presence of the defendant’s sister and her three nephews. There are also two police officers among the complainants, who filed for outrage, during his arrest.
This evening of October 22, Daniel Marchand, who is under curatorship, is at the end. The eldest of his sister, aged 12, reminds his uncle that he slept next to the best friend of his partner, while she was being treated. He asked his sister several times to silence his son.
A first argument with her sister about her nephews
“How is it that you sleep with another woman?” asks the pre-addo, suffering from troubles. The uncle begins to break plates. Addressing his sister, he would have said in particular: “Your children, I will slaughter them … that they believe, I have more nephews!”
“Tell your children that they stop insulting me,” he told his sister. “They were at home,” he explains at the helm. If she had left with her children, as I asked her, we did not get there. But she did not want and made fun of me and the friend I appreciated. ”
Police heard the eldest of the nephews. “I tease him because of that,” he told investigators. He regularly called me as “Bougnoule”, and said to me “returned to Morocco”. ”
“I’m going to plant you” would he have threatened his partner
The next day, his partner filed a complaint for voluntary violence with a weapon. “We have been separated since the 18th,” she said. It has already been violent, but I have never complained. That evening, he seized a knife saying “I’m going to plant you”. He threw knives for me. I went to take refuge with her sister. But there, I need to go back to my home and I can’t. ”
The next day, he outraged the police who came to arrest him after the complaint of his partner, insulting them with “assholes, bald skulls, tapered bands, dirty cops, I will break you in two”. While keeping a threatening posture, a nasty dog arose, quickly returned from where he came from. It will take three police officers to challenge Daniel and pass the handcuffs. “I’m crazy!” he screams. You don’t know who I am. If I didn’t have my tendonitis, I would have broken your mouth! ”
Police outrages
Later, at the post, the commissioner in person will come to see who howls in the premises. Daniel Marchand indicates that he is under curatorship. The police ask him who is his curator. “His name is Gertrude,” he replies, mocking. Before saying to one of the agents that he had an qi of oyster. “I no longer know who I said that …”, he explains to the trial.
“I don’t like the police, it’s true, but I’m not the type to threaten them,” he concludes on this subject. Even sometimes, I say hello to them. ” The two agents who build up a civil party require € 200 each.
He called his wife despite the contact ban
Offered on October 25, Daniel Marchand is placed under judicial supervision pending psychiatric expertise. “It was going well until three days ago,” he said at the helm. I first called my partner because the apartment is our two names. It was the guardian of the building who wanted to know … And then, she presented herself at my place … “
As part of this judicial control, he had prohibited contact with her. “She returned home,” he says. “Well, you leave …”, retorts the court. “I only did it twice …”, he insists. “It’s twice too much,” says the judge. Responding to a goalkeeper, is it more important than prison for you? ”
He can’t take his sister anymore
Since then, the accused has taken his medication and saw a psychologist. “It did me good,” he comments. Medicines make me feel good, when I am not coming to take the lead. I am less upset, but it’s like a vase of water that will overflow … I would have to have a half-sister who does not come to take care of my life … “
Daniel Marchand can no longer support the regular incursions of his sister in what he considers his private life. “She has been harassing me for six years,” he sighs. She asks me for lots of services. I can’t take it anymore. I say “no” to her but she does not understand this word. My father said to me “Your life is to take care of the children of your sister”. I do not agree. My sister is mythomaniac. I filed a complaint but the police put them in the trash. ”
“You attach me, I defend myself, even if you are President of the Republic”
“What should you do so as not to get upset?” request the court. People around you will not change … “His wife received a message from him, when he had prohibited from contacting her. It was a message of “Merry Christmas”. “Yes, but I sent it to my whole repertoire,” he corrects.
“You always have a good reason to contact people,” said the prosecutor. “When I send me a message, I answer,” he said from goal to white. You attach me, I defend myself. This is the only reaction I know. Even if you are President of the Republic! ”
Maître Szymanski, lawyer for the defendant, observes: “She knew very well that it should not be asticotted. My client is a vulnerable person. ” The president replied: “It was he who had obligations, but the court will appreciate.”
At the helm, the partner says that she lied to the police
Regarding insults and threats, the complainant took screenshots. There is talk of revenge. “It will be marked in Oise Hebdo,” he wrote. “I wouldn’t have done it, but when I’m in such a state, I’m like a bull.” He recognizes the facts except having threatened his partner with a knife. “I loved him, I still love him,” said the accused, recognized by 50%disabled. And I want to marry this woman, the only one who accepts me as I am. I want to marry her, if she wants. ” The president: “Yes, well, we are not going to do this at the hearing …”
This is when the ex-partner comes to the bar. “I lied,” she said. He had no knife in his hands. I returned to see the police to come back to my statements, but I was told “it’s too late, it will be necessary to tell the truth in court”. I know that I risk big: three years imprisonment and € 15,000 fine. I was afraid of being struck, as I was in previous stories.
“However, his sister says that he threatened you with a knife …”, recalls the judge.
His wife would like to stay with him
“I have contacted him several times and I know he is not allowed to speak to me, but I would like to stay with him, insists the companion. Apart from this crisis, he has always been adorable with me. He treated me as a bold one, but as I have always been told, a couple who does not argue, it is that he does not love each other. “
“There is a strong influence of one on the other,” says the defendant’s sister. My children are very painted not to see their uncle, very threatening towards them. He got upset on everyone that evening. At the start my children. Then she intervened, and he attacked her. Today, I’m here to defend them. They make them nightmares. It is true that I ask him for services, but I have already provided him with services too. We advised him to be treated. He suffered violence being small, a car accident. If he wants to cut the links, let him cut the links. “
“It is an accumulation takes up the accused. But I have never taken action. I’m like a pitbull: I bite but I don’t bite. I did not realize … I was literally thrown into a home in youth. “
Regarding tumultuous relations with his family, the court recommends that he break any contact. “You caught a knife in front of children,” said the court.
The companion lawyer does not argue the contact prohibition
The accused was tried in 2016 for threats to his ex-wife and curator. Everything is fine with the current one, present at the audience: “It is the ultimate in curators.”
Maître Da Costa cannot go beyond what his client is asking for. “She is a vulnerable, manipulable, influencing young woman. But Mr. Marchand allowed her to have a roof, help for his health concerns … She comes to ensure that there would be no contact prohibition. “
“It is injuring that Monsieur does not recognize that it is his fault,” pleads the lawyer for the sister and the nephews. She was just waiting for a word of excuse. She is there for her children. And so that his brother understands that he must be treated. He still said “worry, your children, I’m going to slaughter them”. He requests a prejudice of € 1,200 for the sister, € 1,000 for the son, € 800 for the sisters.
Fifteen months of probationary suspended.
The prosecutor describes an defendant to the complex personality and recalls that there are seven victims in this case, including two police officers. The reversal of the complainant leaves him, given the declarations of the sister, and given the situation of emotional dependence which unites him to the sir.
He required fifteen months suspended prison sentence reinforced for two years. With care obligations, carrying out an awareness internship in domestic and sexist violence. And with prohibition contact with sister and nieces, and with his partner. “If the situation is calmed down, if care is followed and if Madame wishes, this prohibition can be lifted.”
The court does not pronounce the prohibition of contact
Maître Szymanski pleads the release for threats. “However, my client needs care. We had to tear him away from him some regret. He’s someone alone, unfortunately. Around him, we see that his entourage does not take into account his state. We are on an exceptional episode during which he is out of him. But is this systematically the case? I don’t believe. He is a child, in his ability to manage stress situations. Fifteen months of probationary stay, it is high. “
The defendant received six -month suspended probationary reinforced for two years. With obligation of psychological care, a ban on going to your sister’s home, but no contact with contact with his partner. “Don’t make it regret it …”, comments the court. He will have to pay his sister € 300, his nieces € 200, and his nephew € 500, as well as € 200 with each police officer.
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